Ushijima x Tendou

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Character: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Tendou Satori
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: Thank you for bringing me here

(M/n pov)

I sat on my couch watching a random show when there was a knock at my apartment door. I frowned a bit in confusion considering I wasn't supposed to be having guests over since I had made no previous plans. I unlocked the door and opened it slightly before sticking my head through the crack of the door. There stood my alpha's Ushijima and Tendou. I smiled brightly and fully opened the door and threw myself into their arms. They quickly caught me with big smiles on their faces. I felt their arms wrap around me and bags hit my waist area. "What are you guys doing here? Tendou I thought you had a chocolate convention to go to? And Ushijima I thought you had a match coming up so you were practicing?" Tendou handed me off to Ushijima before he carried me inside and Tendou closed and locked the door.

Ushijima walked us over to the couch before he sat down and put me on his lap. He handed me a shopping bag with a small smile on his face. I softly thanked him before I opened the bag and my eyes widened when I realized it was a Yukata. Underneath it was three tickets to the summer festival I had mentioned in one our random conversation we had late at night. My eyes fill with tears as I looked up at them, "Are you guys serious? Are we really going to the summer festival?" They nodded their heads and Tendou spoke up, "What kind of Alpha's would we be if we couldn't give our omega everything and anything that they desired." I smiled and sniffled a bit, "Thank you so freaking much. The tickets say it starts at six p.m. tonight. It's currently 4:30 p.m. Should we start getting ready?" They immediately agreed and we all separated our Yukata items before taking quick showers.

I happily finished up my Yukata before I stifled a laugh at Ushijima's pouty face. I quickly went over and helped him with his Yukata before I gently placed a kiss on his cheek, "There you go, honey. Does it feel better now?" He nodded his head and thanked me. I fixed his hair before turning over to Tendou who was also struggling and pouting. I giggled softly before I walked over to him and helped him out as well. Once we were ready they grabbed their things and I grabbed the tickets. Tendou drove us to the park before parking. Once we got down and began walking they each held my hand with small blushes on their cheeks. I smiled as we got in without a hassle. We walked around for a while playing random festival games, winning prizes, and eating amazing snacks. It wasn't long before the firework show started. Just before it did Ushijima and Tendou walked me up a mountain and into a little gazebo away from everyone and with a perfect view of the night sky.

We watched quietly as the firework show started. I watched with wide eyes as the fireworks made amazing and beautiful shapes. I saw a heart be formed so I turned towards my alpha's only to see the both of them on one knee with a ring box being held between them. I could feel my eyes widened as I looked down at them. Tendou was the first to speak, "(M/n) you mean the absolute world to Ushijima and me. We couldn't imagine a world without you as our omega. We've thought about this together and (M/n) we want you to be our forever. We want to support you in your endeavors the same way you support us so..." They looked at each other before they spoke up at the same time, "Will you marry us, (M/n)?" I nodded my head as they stood up with tears in their eyes. They both used their index and thumbs to slip the ring on my finger. I smiled up at them before I leaned up and pecked each of them. We all hug and spoke up, "Thank you for bring me here." Ushijima lightly caresses my cheek, "Anything for you, (M/n)."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry about the late upload. I met with my biological dad for the first time in like ten years this weekend. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Bokuto Kotaro (Mafia AU)

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