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Character: Tsukishima Kei
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: I'm the one who's lucky
*Omegaverse, Mpreg*

(Tsukishima pov)

As I walk through the gym doors I could immediately feel eyes on me. Rolling my eyes I head towards the changing room. Not long after I finish changing and come back out to the gym floor and begin stretching Daichi walks towards me. With a look of concern on his face, he speaks up, "Tsukishima is everything okay? You look like you haven't slept for a week." I stared down at him with a blank look on my face before sighing, "I'm fine senpai. Just have a lot on my plate as of recently." He raised a questioning eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest, "You know if you ever need anything we'll be able to help you." I stared at him before nodding my head. Once the conversation finished everyone including myself got back to stretching before the coach yelled at us. With a sigh on my part, I tried focusing on practice but my mind was clouded with thoughts of my pregnant mate. I was so out of it that after the ball hit me for the third time on my face coach had me sit out.

With a huff and a scowl on my face, I pulled my phone out just to see a text from my mate informing me that he was on his way with cake. My eyes widened when I realized that he had sent the text over ten minutes ago. I immediately texted him asking him if he was okay and if he was sure he wanted to come when he was feeling sick. When I saw he didn't reply or even see the massage I grew worried and called him only to hear the ring tone he has set up for me ring through the gym. I stood up and looked over at the gym doors only to see my mate standing there with a box of cake from our favorite store and a small smile on his face. I rushed over uncaring of the looks of confusion sent my way. I began to check him over to see whether or not he was hurt or anything. As I stepped away I saw he was wearing my dinosaur sweater which only made him look even more adorable.

"Hey, Tsukishima, who is that?" I heard shrimpy ask. With a sigh, I spoke up, "This is my mate Yamaguchi (M/n). Yes, he's Yamaguchi's twin. And as you can tell he's pregnant so I suggest you keep any stupid comments to yourselves." I felt my stomach get hit by my mate. He huffs a bit before smiling at my team and rubbing his stomach, "Hello everyone is lovely to finally meet all of you Kei and Tadashi-nii tell me about you guys all the time." With smirks now playing on their lips, they began introducing themselves to my mate. Not long after (M/n) seems to remember something. "Here Kei. I went to our favorite bakery with your mom earlier and they had your favorite cake so I thought I'd buy it and bring it. Sorta as an apology for waking you up so early in the mor-."

I cut him off with a kiss on his lips and a small smile, "You don't have to apologize, love. As your alpha and mate, it's my job to make sure you are happy and well taken care of. So don't worry about anything, okay?" He smiled softly while I rolled my eyes as I heard a couple of loud gasps, gags, and awes. He forces me down to his height before kissing my cheek, "I love you and I'm so lucky to have you." I shake my head and grab his hand, "I love you more, and if anything I'm the one who's lucky.

Hey, sweet potatoes. I'm back. I hope you guys enjoyed the story. I really did miss y'all.

Next up:
Suna Rintarou (Demon/Angel AU)

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