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Character: Sugawara Koushi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Of course I do
*Parent/Adoption AU*

(Sugawara pov)

I looked over the messages sent last night in the team's group chat. It had been about three years since we had all last hung out together. But since the 'first' years had officially graduated this year we all agreed that a reunion was needed at this point. I was a bit nervous because that would mean I'd have to bring my six-year-old son, (M/n). He's a very sweet and adorable kid but when it comes to meeting new people he can be a bit closed off. I knew this was going to be a big deal considering that I'm in my third year of teaching kindergarten. I adopted one of my old students because his parents didn't deserve him but that's a story for another time. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose as the sound of footsteps got louder. "Papa, are you okay?" I heard (M/n) ask as he stood by the door of my bedroom. I looked up at him and nodded my head before smiling softly at him.

He smiled back shyly before walking over to me. I picked him up and sat him on my lap before speaking, "(M/n), do you remember when I told you about all of papa's old friends?" He paused for a second bit nodding his head, "The ones that used to play volleyball with papa?" I nod my head with a smile, "Yeah exactly. How would you feel about meeting them? You can say no if you don't want to but I wanted to ask you before I ask (Random name) to babysit you so that I can see the team. He stayed quiet and looked deep in thought. I played with the hem of his shirt waiting for him to make a decision. He looked up at me with a look of determination on his face, "Okay papa, I wanna meet them." I smiled and gently kissed his temple, "I'm proud of you (M/n). Going out and meeting new people may be nerve-racking sometimes but I promise I'll be there the whole time." He hugged me and whispered a soft 'thank you papa' and I could quite literally feel my heart melt at how adorable my son was.

*Time skip to the weekend*

Since we planned the reunion for late in the afternoon. I spent most of the day making sure (M/n) was okay and that I had everything in the car that I might need. (M/n) was a lot quieter today but I get that was just his nerves so I didn't force him to talk to him instead I let him know that if he needed anything or just needed me around him that all he had to do was speak up. About an hour before the meet-up time I let (M/n) that we should start getting ready. It took us max of 25 minutes to get ready and into the car. The drive took about 25 minutes and I made sure I played all of (M/n)'s favorite songs. Once we had arrived and stood in front of the school we got out of the car and began the walk to the old gym that the principal let us use thanks to Kiyoko I couldn't help but feel giddy. With (M/n) holding my hand I began to lead him towards the gym as I told him short stories of things we saw while walking.

As we walked into the gym all eyes were on us and as I looked around I saw that we were the last ones to arrive. I have everyone an awkward smile before speaking, "Hello everyone it's so good to finally see you guys." Daichi was the first one to speak up, "Hey Koushi it's good to see you too but um how is that behind you?" I looked down at (M/n) who was hiding behind my leg. I turned towards him and leaned down to his height, "Do you want to introduce yourself?" He paused before nodding his head before he walked around me and bowed lightly, "I'm Sugawara (M/n) and I'm six years old." I smiled brightly and ruffled his hair, "Good job, buddy." He smiled up at me and I looked back at my old team. One by one they began introducing themselves to (M/n) and slowly he began to look more comfortable especially when he met Noya and Tanaka who have barely changed since high school.

As I watched from afar as Hinata and Noya began to try to teach (M/n) about volleyball I couldn't help but smile. Daichi and Asahi walked up to me before Asahi spoke up, "You really love your son, huh?" My smile grew bigger, "Of course I do. He's been my kid since the moment he came into my life." They smiled and said they were happy for me.

'I really do love my son with all my heart.'

Hope you guys enjoyed it. This one is kind of long but meh. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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