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Character: Akaashi Keiji
Type: Slight Angst 💔, Fluffy Ending☁️
Story Name: We all still care about you
*Omegaverse, Mpreg*

(Akaashi pov)

I was sitting on my bathroom floor silently crying while holding a positive pregnancy test in my hand. (M/n) and I have been mates for almost five years now. Him being in his third year of school and I in my second. The last time I had my heat it triggered his rut and pretty much everything had been blurry since. I haven't been feeling the best the last month and a half so out of most curiosity I took a pregnancy test. My last heat was three months ago meaning that I've probably been pregnant since then and I'm just officially noticing the symptoms. With shaky hands, I grabbed the bathroom sink before I stood up. With wobbly legs, I headed back into my room before I picked up my phone and sat down in the bed, and breathed in and out a couple of times. I looked through my contacts before I dialed (M/n)'s number.

It didn't take long for him to answer but he sounded a bit out of breath when he said 'hello'. I closed my eyes before I spoke up, "(M/n), I uh have some news but before I tell you please don't hate me." I could feel his frown as he spoke up, "Keiji baby there's nothing you could do that will get me to hate you. You mean the world to me." I smiled softly before opening my eyes and speaking up, "(M/n) I'm pregnant with our pup. It's the reason why I've been feeling so sick recently." I waiting for anything from him but the only thing I got was the call hanging up. I could feel my eyes begin to tear up as I looked at my phone. Just before I could do anything else I heard loud knocking coming from the front door. I headed towards the door before I opened it slightly only to see a very sweaty and tearful (M/n). I opened the door fully and he came in and pulled me into his arms. "Keiji I promise I'll always stay by your side so don't worry. I love you more than you'll ever know." I began sobbing loudly as he held me while gently playing with my hair. He closed the door we headed to my room. He showered quickly before we spent the rest of the weekend cuddling and him taking care of me.

*Time skip about three months*

I'm now six months pregnant and I've officially started fully showing and because of that, I asked to get off the team. I've been slightly embarrassed/afraid of what the team works think about the fact that I'm pregnant so I've been trying to hide it. Now that I'm showing a lot more I decided that the best course of action was to leave the team but I underestimated just how much the team loved having me around. (M/n) tried to spy them from coming around but they were stubborn, especially Bokuto. As (M/n) and I spent the afternoon in the park having a picnic we didn't realize that one of our team members saw us and texted the rest of the team. It wasn't long till they all stood in front of us and (M/n) standing in front of me protecting me. "Agaashi what's been going on with you? Please we know (M/n)'s is protective of you but we've been friends for so long we would never judge you or make you feel less than."

I stayed quiet before stepping from behind (M/n) showing off my bump and my mating mark. They stared with wide as (M/n) came behind me and wrapped his arms around my stomach. Bokuto was the first to speak up, "You're having a pup? With (M/n)? Why didn't you tell us? We all still care about you Akaashi. And just because your pregnant doesn't mean you aren't part of this team/family." I sniffled a bit before I spoke up, "I'm sorry for not telling you guys anything I was just embarrassed and a bit afraid of what you guys would think. But I'm glad you guys still want to be around both (M/n) and I." They smiled at us and began congratulating us. As we began discussing the baby Bokuto gasped and spoke up, "Can I be the good father?" I stared at him before laughing loudly. I even let out a couple of snorts while nodding my head, "Yeah Bo." He cheered and (M/n) kissed my temple before we whispered 'I love you to each other.'

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes❤️

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