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Character: Kuroo Tetsurou
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Huh?

(Kuroo pov)

I sighed for the fifteenth time before I curled around a pillow and look over at Kenma. "What is it now, Kuroo?" I sigh again and groan loudly, "I've given (M/n) every single hint that I'm ready to be courted and mated and still I've received nothing from him. Not even a simple t-shirt with his scent on it, Kenma. Am I that bad of an omega?" Kenma paused his game and turned towards me, "You do realize that it's the twenty-first century. Why the hell are you waiting for HIM to court you? You might be an omega but you can go right ahead and court the fuck of that alpha your so in love with." I blushed and hid my face in the pillow my omega purring softly at the idea of finally finding a way of getting the alpha to be our mate. I smiled and stood up from the bed, "Thank you, Kenma. Now I'm going to go home to brainstorm ways to court the alpha. Bye." He waves me goodbye before he went back to his game. Once I got back home I got out a piece of paper and a pencil to begin my brainstorming.

(M/n pov)

I was sitting on the school desk hutch over it and on the verge of falling asleep when I heard something drop on my desk. I stood up straight and looked down at the desk to see a small bento box with a small note. I picked up the note that read, 'I hope you enjoy the meal.' I opened the bento and it had all of my favorite food plus one that most people don't even know I like. I smiled softly and I could feel eyes on my back. I took the chopsticks and took a bite and almost moaned out loud at how good it was. I smiled brighter and continued to eat. It was a couple of days later when I was on my way home and rummaging through my bookbag for my bus ticket when I found a box of chocolates as well as another note, 'You're the most handsome guy/alpha ever.' My eyes widened a bit before I smiled brightly as one thought filled my head, 'I'm being courted. Clearly by an omega which is adorable.'

For the next couple of days, the courting continued to happen and it wasn't until I had received an article of clothing that I finally realized that it was Kuroo who was courting me. Once I figured that out I added the article of clothing to my den that same night. The next day which was Sunday I asked Kuroo to come over. Before he came over I made him his favorite dinner and dessert. I also made sure to scent multiple items of clothing and place them into a gift bag for him. Once he arrived I could feel my alpha purr at the adorable blush on Kuroo's face. "Come on in, Kuroo," I said opening the door a little wider. He smiled at me and came inside. "I made dinner for you" he smiled and thanked me quietly. After we finished our food I sat him down on the couch and grabbed the gift bag.

I cleared my throat and spoke up, "The reason I called you over was that I finally realized you were courting me. Kuroo I feel the same way about you. I love you so much and I've been waiting to make you my omega." He gave me a deadpanned face, "You literally didn't realize the amounts of hints I gave you before I began courting you." I paused, "Huh? What hints?" He gasped and pouted, "You're a dumbass." I chuckled and pulled him into my lap, "Well maybe I am but at least we finally have each other." He smiled nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, "Yeah I guess you're right." We spent the rest of the day cuddling and I could tell he was extremely overjoyed when I gave him the gift. I could tell he was happier than ever at the fact that I was returning the courting gift. I think at one point I heard his omega purr which made my alpha purr back.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Daichi Sawamura (Soulmate AU)

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