ci. loud music and the treehouse

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ci. loud music and the treehouse

Justin decided to visit me one day. He brought his guitar and a stack of books along, which was typical for Justin. The treehouse really wasn't big enough for all that stuff, but it was good enough.

"Hey McKenna," Justin said. "Want to hear this song I wrote?"

"Sure," I said.

Justin started playing, and while he was an excellent guitarist, he was an awful songwriter. The lyrics were kind of dull and clichéd and the song itself wasn't particularly well done. However, it was Justin's song, so I guess I had to listen.

"It's really good Justin," I lied once the song finished.

"Thanks," he said, smiling.

"Did you get your schedule yet?" I asked him.

"Yeah," Justin said. He read off his schedule and I compared it to mine. We had lunch, chemistry, and English together. I had already compared with Aaron, and we only had French together. That still left five periods where I was all alone, which sounded good to me.

"Have you read anything good lately?" I asked Justin.

"Yes," he said, just like I was expecting. He listed lots of titles, most of which I had never heard of. Justin had good taste in books though. I trusted him.

Justin had always been a good friend. That day, I realized that. He was always there for me, even if he couldn't write a song to save his life.

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