xlvii. people watching and the mysterious lady

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xlvii. people watching and the mysterious lady

I had developed a new hobby. Some nights, I would climb up to the treehouse and just watch the people walking and driving past. Then, I would make up stories about them. It wasn't the most fun thing to do, but it passed the time.

One night, Noah and I were all by ourselves. Mom was out getting groceries, and Dad was still at work. Dad didn't usually stay at work this long though. He would probably be home soon.

Noah was on the Wii, so I figured he would be busy for a while. It was just me then. I decided to climb up to the treehouse and watch the people go by.

There was a older man with a wooden cane walking past the treehouse. He had a long gray beard and glasses. He was wearing a flannel shirt, baggy pants, and shoes that kind of looked more like slippers. He looked up at the treehouse quickly and then looked away. I don't think he saw me.

I started to make up a story for him. The man's name was Tom. He had a wife back at home, but she was too tired to come walking with him. He also had two kids and six grandchildren. He used to be an accountant, but he retired. Sometimes he wished he could just escape, like me.

Tom (if that was even his name; it probably wasn't) walked away. I waited for the next person to come by.

All of a sudden, a car came into our driveway. It was Dad's car. I wanted to come down and say hi, but I noticed someone else in the car with him. Maybe he picked up Mom on his way home from work or something.

The other person in the car hopped out. She definitely wasn't Mom. Her hair and skin were too dark. She was kind of pretty in a weird sort of way. I tried to imagine a story for her, but I couldn't. I had too many questions. Who was she? What was she doing in Dad's car? Where were they going? How did she know Dad? I hoped they couldn't see me as I poked my head out of the treehouse window. I wanted to know what they were saying.

"You know Neil, I had a really good time tonight," the lady said.

Wow. They were on a first name basis already. "Me too," Dad said. He smiled. I hadn't seen him smile like that in a long time.

"I hope we get to do this again soon," the lady said. "I'd really like to meet your kids."

"I think we can arrange that," Dad said.

Oh. So I guess we were going to meet the lady soon anyways. I still didn't really know who she was. The lady hugged Dad. "Bye Neil," she said. "See you soon."

Dad waved. "See you soon Shonahlie." At least that's what I thought he said. I didn't know how to spell it. I would Google it later. Whatever. Now I knew.

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