xxxvi. being alone and dreaming again

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xxxvi. being alone and dreaming again

When I got home from school that day, I heard Mom and Dad yelling in the kitchen. I wanted to get out of their way. Noah was playing tennis on the Wii, so he didn't notice me. I took Bronto with me and I started climbing up to the treehouse. I was tall enough now that I could reach the lowest branch and climb up from there. Dad said I was growing really fast. Maybe I would be taller than him someday.

I climbed up and crawled into the treehouse. Then I closed the door. Finally, it was quiet. It wasn't usually quiet. In school, Mrs. Brown usually talked a lot. At recess, all of us were yelling and throwing snow at each other. At home, Mom and Dad were always arguing, and when they weren't, Noah was always loud.

I looked down. Snow still covered the ground. I could see snowflakes falling down from the sky. I was glad I had brought my coat, even if it was ugly. It was cold up here. Oh well. It was still quiet. That was my favorite part of being up here. It was just me and Bronto. The world could have ended and I would never know if I was in the treehouse.

I smiled and leaned against one of the walls. Maybe things would get better someday. I thought about what that might be like. Mom and Dad would stop arguing. Noah would stop hogging the Wii. Aaron would stop telling annoying knock knock jokes that weren't even funny. Justin would stop reading sometimes. The big kids would never make fun of us. Bronto would be real. Everyone would be happy.

That wouldn't happen though. As Mom always said, the world doesn't revolve around me. I wished it did though. That would make things so much better. But now, the best I could do was wish for it.

I held Bronto against my chest. Everything would be alright. I knew it would be.

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