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•  I love you  •Word Count ~ 798

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•  I love you  •
Word Count ~ 798

The wind whipped at the oversized white top I was wearing. My hair flowing freely after I'd let it down from its ponytail.

Pan had allowed me to have some time to myself but my time was almost up. He'd only given me an hour before saying he'd then come looking fo me.

I'd told him I was going to the beach.

I lied.

Partly anyway, I could see the beach below, the waves crashing against the sand.

I was in the middle of a mental argument with myself. Had been for the past hour. But he'd figure out where I was soon. He'd panic. But I had to talk to him. I had to explain myself. My reasoning.

"Maze..." I heard a familiar British accent ask from behind me.

Looks like times run out.

"You found me quicker then I thought you would." I admitted. Not turning round to meet his gaze yet as I continued to focus on the waves crashing against the rocks below.

"What are you doing love?" He asked, drawing out the words slightly, a cautious tone in his voice.

I turned around to face him.

"Do you remember that time when I almost died here?"

"Diana, what are you doing...?" He ignored my question and repeated his. I could see him trying to slowly approach me, fear in his eyes yet he tried to hide it.

"You shouted at me when I almost drowned. But, the funny thing is that it helped me."

"Your not making any sense love."

I really didn't like his tone. His words. The way he was talking to me. He was speaking as if he was talking to a mad person. I wasn't fucking crazy. I was perfectly sane. I was fine. Amazing even.

"I'm making perfect fucking sense! Your just not listening to me!!" I snapped at him, before taking in a deep breath and continuing.

"After I almost died, I felt something, Peter. I felt scared, surprisingly scared that I'd almost lost my life. But happy, happy that you saved me. Relief, panic. I-I felt something... I felt everything Peter. Don't you get that? I was normal again. Until that feeling faded away. So I had the idea that maybe if I tried to do it again, if I managed to feel those emotions again I could learn to hold onto them this time and get better." I explained to him, a smile on my face. I'd figured it all out. Everything was going to be fine. I could be with him without having to hurt him. No more arguments. No more pain. Just me and him. The boy that I loved. The only person that I'd ever truly loved.

"Diana... let's just get back to my cabin okay? I can make you some food, we can stay in bed all day if you like to. We... we can do anything you want my love... please?" he tried to convince me. He was panicking. It showed.

My smile dropped.

"You don't understand. You never fucking understand." I trailed off, before looking back up at him, a small smile returning. Hopefully it would reassure him.

"But that's okay. Because once I do this everything will go back to normal. I promise. Everything is going to be okay."

"Let's talk about this Maze, let's go talk in my cabin or wherever you want, just-" he started to say, taking a step closer to me.

"No. Don't come any closer." I took a step back, the heel of my right foot now over the edge of the cliff. He immediately stopped moving and put his hands up in surrender.

Pan slowly held out his hand for me and looked me dead in the eyes. Fear, panic, frustration, desperation, all written in his eyes.

"Please love, don't do this... I'm begging you." He pleaded.

"I'll be fine. I promise. We're gonna be okay." I smiled.

I felt at peace. Somehow excited for what was about to come next.

"I love you...Peter. I'll see you on the other side..." My eyes fluttered close and I let myself fall back.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion.

I heard Pan shout my name and I saw a flash of green. He'd teleported to the edge of the cliff. He reached out to grab my hand but it was too late.

Our fingers brushed against each other in one final touch before I continued to fall towards the treacherous waves below.

Peter Pan had failed.

And I was free.


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