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• Run •Word Count ~ 1155

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• Run •
Word Count ~ 1155

I ran as fast as I possibly could through the jungle of Neverland. The damp leaves whipping at my body and face and I ran.

After about an hour of running I was in desperate need of a break. I collapsed next to a tree and took in deep breaths, letting the oxygen fill my lungs.

After a few minutes I decided to start looking for the group again. I carefully get up.

Suddenly, a twig snaps behind me. I quickly draw my dagger that I'd found while running. I hear a voice. His voice.

"Don't cut yourself with that, darling." I turn back around, my gaze meeting his.

My lips tremble.

I know he wouldn't hurt me, but the dagger was there in case he tried anything.

He looks me up and down as he comes closer.

"Leave me alone!" I snap.

He holds his hands up, giving a sign of surrender.

"Oh don't be like that, love. You sure have grown up beautiful, have I told you that yet?" Pan asked. I stand still, he carefully grabs my wrist and takes the dagger from me.

"I've only grown up by a year Pan." I roll my eyes.
Trying my best not to shiver as he runs the back of his hand over my cheek.

"Get off me!" Without thinking, I grab his arm and twist it backwards. So if he tries to get out of my grip, it'll break his arm.

Then, I take my dagger back from him and press the blade to the exposed skin of his neck.

With his back pressed harshly against my chest, I can feel his breathing become uneven.

"Damn that's hot." He chuckles making me confused. In my split second of hesitation Pan had grabbed the dagger from me, spun around, slammed my body against a tree and had the dagger at my throat.

I let out a gasp after it all happened in shock.

"You've gotten better my love. But your technique still isn't quite perfect yet." He whispers to me with a sly tone to his voice.

"No worries though, now that your back and once we get rid of the pests on my island, we'll have all the time in the world."

"Fuck you." I whisper back with sarcasm.

"Later." Pan smirks before turning serious again.

"Now listen, we're going to go back to camp and your not going to make it any harder then it has to be. Am I clear?"

I nod my head. He takes a good look at me before finally releasing me.

"Thank you." I smile at him for the first time since I got here, which stunned him for a moment. I quickly sprint back towards the jungle but a small group of lost boys surround me. About five. They must've been new recruits because I didn't recognise a single one of them.

Two of them grabbed me and pulled me back over to Pan who had a smirk on his face.

"Oh love, I told you not to make this any harder on yourself then it already is." He gently traces my face with his finger. I glared at him.

"Oh fuck off." I snap at him in anger. Pan glared down at me.

"I don't like your new found attitude."

"Does it look like I give a shit." I said sarcastically. Pan raises his eyebrow, amused.

"Felix, you and the boys take her to dead mans peak, I think she needs to learn a few manners."

I look next to me and sure enough Felix was there. How did I not see him earlier?

They did as they were told. But I definitely didn't make their job any easier. I struggled and shouted holding to get Emma and the others attention. I had no idea where on Neverland they were now, but I could only hope that they were hearing me.

Before I knew it, we were up at dead mans peak.

Suddenly I was shoved down on my knees in front of a bush of thorns. I instantly recognised the deadly poison.

One of the boys was holding me a little too rough but I didn't let him know I cared. 

I was more worried about the dreamshade.

Pan appeared out of nowhere. 

"I'm assuming you remember this plant?" I roll my eyes.

"What? The deadliest plant on the island? Yeah I think I'd remember it." I remarked sarcastically.

"You'd have to stay here forever with the cure that is behind the dreamshade. The spring water, it's what keeps the island and everything on it looking so... young"

"And your telling me this why?"

"Think, love."

I look down in confusion trying to figure out what he was I'm implying. My eyes suddenly widened and I looked up at him in fear.

"Pan... don't do anything rash." I try to speak as calmly as possible. Pan puts a hand to my face and delicately traces my skin.

"Don't worry love. This is what's best for the both of us. You'll see eventually. But for now, I'm sorry." He whispered the last part to me and gently kisses my head before standing back up.

He gave Felix a look and Felix nodded once before he pulled at my hair harder hauling me up on my feet.

"Stop! Pan please! I'll-I'll never leave you again! I-I promise! Don't do this! I'm begging you!" I shout trying to get his attention as Felix takes me over to the deadly plant.

"Felix stop! Please?!"

Nothing was working.

"Pan! I'll never speak to you again! I'll hate you for the rest of my life! Don't you dare fucking do this! I'll never forgive you!" I warn and threaten him, but desperation could clearly be heard in my voice, making them seem pointless.

The boys threw me into the brush of dream shade and I got scratched a few times making me jump up in a panic.

"N-no I refuse to stay here on this island!" I shouted at all them as they surrounded me.

Pan had moved the dream shade making a clearing for himself. I backed up nearing the spring and before I could manage to attack Pan I felt an extreme rush of weakness rush over me, making me light headed, my legs gave out from under me.

Pan caught me with ease and he carefully took my weak body into the spring water.

I still continued to weakly struggle against him.

"Pan...I'm begging you...please, don't do this."

"I'm sorry, love. But it's for the best." He looked down at me.

The last thing that I saw was his beautiful green eyes, full of pity and sadness for me, before I blanked out.

Heyy guys, I hope you liked this chapter.
I'm going to be posting chapter 19 next Friday so see you then. Bye for now x

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