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•  Skull Rock  •Word Count ~ 2071

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•  Skull Rock  •
Word Count ~ 2071

"How do we stop Pan?" David asks.

"Pan took Henry to skill rock. But you haven't got much time." Wendy warned us.

"The we stay behind. Someone needs to be here to guard the lost boys when they wake up." David concludes.

"You don't need to stay behind." Emma disagrees.

"David's right. You get him home, tell him we love him." Mary Margaret said.

"Tell him yourself, when you get back from deadman's peak. Gold can cure you back in Storybrooke. You as well Maze. We just need to bring some of the water with us." Emma turns to face me. My eyes widen slightly in disbelief.

I thought I was stuck here? For some reason the idea of going to back to Storybrooke and leaving Neverland didn't excite me. The quiet opposite actually. But I had to pretend to be exited and cover up any feelings of doubt.

I walked over and hugged Emma, squeezing her tightly.

"Thank you Em."

"No problem kiddo."

As soon as I let go Mary Mary hugged her daughter and I stepped back to create some distance.

"Thank you." Mary Margaret said to Rumple while hugging Emma.

"Well, apparently, that's the only thanks I need these days." He replied, clearly unimpressed.

"Tink and I will take care of things here. Meet you back at the Jolly Roger when you find Henry." Hook said. Emma smiled at all of us, determination written all over her face.

"We're all going home, together."


"Wow." I muttered as the boat came up to a large skull shaped cave. Lanterns surround it and castes an eerie glow upon the structure.

My nerves only increased as soon as we came to skull rock and I step foot onto its sands.

"These are Henry's shoes." Emma pointed out footprints left behind by her son in the sand.

"Wendy was right. They're here." She rushed forwards towards a staircase that led up round a corner but before she could even reach the steps, Emma was flung back by an invisible barrier, causing her to backflip to the ground with a thud.

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