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• Finding Henry • Word Count ~ 1035
"Emma, you don't even know where your going!" Mary Margaret shouted after Emma who was running round a corner at the docks, us all following closely behind.
"Doesn't matter, I have to find him. I'll track them down in hell if I have to."
We all quickly turned a corner only to see Greg and Tamara, with Henry.
Greg suddenly grabbed a bean and threw it into the water opening a magical portal.
"The last bean. They've opened the portal." Regina said.
'Yeah, no shit Sherlock' I think to myself.
"Henry!" Emma shouted as we all ran over trying to get to Henry before they could go though the portal. But it only alerted Greg and Tamara.
They grabbed Henry and jumped.
"No!" Emma shouted as David held her back. The portal slowly closing.
"We have to follow them! There has to be a way!"
"Not only do we not know where they went, but Hook stole the last bean!" Regina said.
"I don't care!" Emma protested.
"Without it there's no way to follow."
"There has to be. We can't let them just take Henry."
"They've taken Henry?" A voice from behind us asked. I turn around only to see Rumple and Belle.
"Yeah, Your the dark one. Do something." David answered.
"Gold, help us." Emma pleaded.
"There's no way." Gold replied.
"I spent a lifetime trying to cross worlds to find my son. There's no way in this world without a portal."
"So that's it? He's gone forever?" Regina asked.
"I refuse to believe that." I said.
"There has to be a way."
"Wait what is that?" Belle asked looking behind me.
I turned around only to see a massive ship heading our way.