Chapter 49: Three Types of Pain.

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Dedicated to @-MissPlatinum :)


Chapter 49: Three Types of Pain.

Frederick's POV

One hour passed by, then two, then three. On the fourth one I was in as much pain and agony as she was. Harry and I had brought her back to her bedroom, where we laid her in bed and watched her cry and scream and writhe in excruciating pain. 

        "What should we do?" Harry had asked me, searching to me for some type of God given answer or solution to stop her pain. I had nothing. I was as helpless and useless as a nonbeliever. 

        "What happened? She seemed to be alright after using her magic, and then this..?" he asked of me again. 

I pushed away the guilt, the one that came from the realization that this was my fault, that she was suffering because of something that I made her do. Then I replied. "She's an earth warden, if what protects you gets hurt, it will seek to heal itself with your life".

        "Has this ever happened to you with fire?" he questioned.

I nodded, "Yeah, but it's not the same. You can't really hurt fire. You can extinguish it, or you can dim it, but you can't really hurt it, so my pain cannot be as bad as hers is," I explained. "And there's more," I added. Harry's green eyes found my blue ones. "I think there's something else to it. If it was just because the earth was hurt, it would have lasted and hour, maybe two, since the damage on the earth wasn't that great. It's been longer, so there has to be something else, besides that".

Harry frowned, lines drawing together in his forehead as he gave it careful thought. 

        "Do you know what?"

I shrugged slightly, "I think... I think she used up her own life force along with the earth magic, when she released it into the ground". It made sense. She had given as much of her own as she gave power and it had put a heavy strain on her body. 

        "She's in two types of pain then," Harry said, talking over the woeful sounds of Skye's crying. She had given up screaming at this point, because her throat could barely stand the effort. Now she just cried, curled up into a ball, as if the position would ease the physical torture. I was having trouble even looking at her.

        "Actually, she's in three types of pain," I divulged. 

Harry's eyes widened, surprise and questions in them.

        "Look at her back," was all I said. 

Slowly and gently, Harry stood beside the bed Skye was on, lifted her shirt from behind to see her back and then I saw his eyes widen even more. 

        "More earth marks are forming," he said, in awe. 

I nodded, having seen them already. "They look like vines so far, but there's something forming below them so there's obviously more," I said.

        "More pain, you mean," he murmured.

I said nothing.

We were both exhausted from watching Skye suffer while there was nothing we could do to help her. Honestly, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. 

Harry's phone rang, making a weird repeated buzzing; a sound that I had heard periodically about every half hour after the first time that Harry called Zayn to tell him what had happened. He had continued calling, in hopes that there had been a change and Skye was better. But she wasn't, and even from a few feet away, I could hear Zayn cursing and swearing through the speaker, after Harry reveals that everything is the same as it was during the last phone call. Then, for some reason, with phone against one ear, Harry exits the room, leaving me to tend, or rather, watch Skye, be in pain. 

As I contemplate the worst things in my life so far, I hear Skye speak softly, but I'm unable to understand her. Taking a deep breath, to brace myself, I turn to her and approach her coiled figure and sit on an empty space beside her on the bed.

        "What's that?" I ask. 

It takes her five seconds to reply. 

        "Make it stop," she moans, "please... just... please". 

The weight in my heart becomes heavier than the one on my shoulders. I let out a shaky breath as I reach for her hand, the one that's clutching hard to the bed sheets. I place mine over hers as I speak."I wish I could, honey. I fucking wish I could". 


A/N: Second update in less than 2 days!!! Obviously this one is shorter because I already updated this week, and I only thought of this scene for this chapter. I already know what's going to happen on the next one but since the next one is chapter 50, I want it to be a bit more exciting and dramatic. But I still wanted to write down this scene because I didn't want to forget it, so there you go. Until next update (which I know you're gonna like!) :D

With love, Liz.x

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