Chapter 40: Extended Family.

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Dedicated to my good friend @Iraawrr


Chapter 40: Extended Family.

Skye's POV

I woke up with a start. My heart was pounding, wanting to free itself from the cage that was my chest. I was covered in sweat, as a result of the awful nightmare. Suddenly, I wasn't feeling very safe. Not even when I remembered where I was.

The room was dimly lit by small sparkling stars hanging over the ceiling. They looked exactly the same as the ones I had seen on the forest, the ones that guided us to the Crystal Court. That served to freak me out even more. How did they get in here? Where they giving me the nightmares? The ones where I was ripped apart, limb by limb, by the guy I was growing romantically attached too? Or was it my restless mind, the one trying to warn me of the tragedy that's yet to come? I was rattled by my dreams and my dreadful thoughts. I just needed to speak about it with someone, make sense of it all.

Harry quickly came to mind, and before I knew it, I was slipping out of bed and across my spacious room and out the door. Jessica had said that both Harry and Frederick would have the rooms on each side of mine, but how was I supposed to know which guy was staying in each one? There was no way for me to know.

Not giving myself time to chicken out, I strode towards the room on my right and stared hard at the door, hoping that somehow my psion abilities would help me figure out if Harry was in fact behind this particular door. Unfortunately, I didn't have such a power, and if I did, I wasn't sure how to use it, or how to figure it out. I let out a breath, preparing myself for whatever came next.

My fist rasped the door quietly. I was honestly hoping to find Harry, but I knew it could go both ways. From the corners of the door, I saw the glow of light appear suddenly, so whoever was in this room had heard my soft knocks and had turned on a lamp or something. I released a shaky breath right before the door was opened. I glanced down at my feet at the sight of a shirtless Frederick.

"Skye? What's wrong?" he asked, with just a touch of concern. I forced myself to look up at his blue eyes, which looked dull and tired. I noticed right away that his hair was disheveled. It was strange seeing him this way. He was always impeccable, perfectly dressed, with not one hair out of place. But now, he was a mess. A hot mess, mind me, but still a mess. He actually looked... human. Which I know isn't really the case, but it's what he looks like.

"I was looking for Harry, but didn't know in what room he was," I muttered. "Sorry I bothered you," I added quickly as I turned to leave.

"No, Skye, wait..." Frederick's hand reached for my forearm. His hold was gentle. I looked back at him in confusion.

"What?" I asked.

"You're not bothering me," he said carefully.

"You look tired," I pointed out. He shrugged.

"I can't sleep. This place creeps me out," he confessed with a smile.

I returned it. "Join the club," I joked.

"Hey, you're the one who was talking crazy this afternoon. You know, that stuff about never leaving this place? Crazy lady, that's what you are," he was chuckling as he said it, at that, the tension in my body dissipated. I relaxed.

"Do you want to come in?" he asked, when I said nothing else. I looked up at him, thinking about it.

"Are you going to put on a shirt?" I remarked. Frederick quickly looked down at his body as if he had forgotten that he was half naked. Then he actually looked embarrassed. He quickly disappeared into the room and came back a few seconds later with a blue t-shirt covering his upper half.

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