Chapter 23: Skye is back.

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Dedicated to @NoPrettyGirlsAllowed


Chapter 23: Skye is back.

Skye's POV

"Give me your fries, Skye," Niall said intently. His blue eyes were holding mine purposely. I almost laughed at the look in his face.

"Are you quite done yet, mate?" Louis asked trying to push Niall away from me, but the Irishman didn't budge. In retrospect, I've learned that Niall may look cute and innocent, and like he couldn't hurt a fly, but in reality, he's a lot stronger than he looks. Louis, who is a werewolf, had not been able to push him aside. Apparently strength came with the vampire super-abilities package.

"Go away," he told Louis, shooing him in the process. Louis rolled his eyes but turned around to leave. Niall had been trying to get in my head for the past half an hour. He said it was about training and strengthening my defenses, but I just think he just really wanted my food.

Once we were left alone, Niall continues his task of trying to get in my head, but his attempts got him nowhere. Apparently the wall I built up with Harry, was very well placed. Niall couldn't seem to push past it.

After a few more tries, I get him to stop.

"I've got a headache," I explain, massaging my temples as I said this. Niall nodded in understanding, and took a sip from his soda, which was practically untouched. I'm assuming he's not that into caffeinated drinks. He was a vampire after all.

This thought fueled another one, and I soon found myself blurting out a very inappropriate question.

"Do you drink blood?"

I clasped a hand over my mouth in shock, I couldn't believe I had actually asked that outloud. I was horrified.

But I worried for nothing, Niall found it amusing, which I could tell by the smile that quickly spread on his lips after my question.

"Of course," he said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Which I guess it is for him...

I didn't know how to respond to that. I was suddenly feeling very self-conscious about being alone in the dining room with him.

Almost as if he had read my thoughts, he said, "I had my fair share of it today, so don't worry. Zayn doesn't let me anywhere near you unless I've fed".

This is new information, I thought to myself. It seems Zayn makes sure no one is around me when they could pose a threat. The thought warmed my heart, even though I kept reminding myself not to read anything into it.

"I've got a question, since we're in the topic already," I said slowly. Niall eyed me curiously, waiting for me to voice my inquiry.

"In every legend, tale, movie and book ever written about vampires, they, well... they are dead or undead, I think would be the accurate way to say it," I let the statement hanging.

"You want to know if I'm dead?" he asked with an arched eyebrow. I nodded curtly, my eyes falling to look at my hands.

"The answer is no," he said simply, I looked up at him as he continued.

"Vampirism is not what the media made it out to be. We don't die and come back to life, that's not physically or genetically possible. Once you die, your blood coagulates, your organs stop functioning and eventually they go to waste. Nothing can stop that process. Vampirism is actually a deadly disease that emerged centuries ago, during the times of the Lycan fever; maybe a few years earlier. Us vampires, we don't drink blood just because we enjoy drinking... which we do, I'm not going to lie. But the main reason we drink it, is because we need blood to survive. The disease we have, it kills our blood cells. As you probably now, the human body has three different types of blood cells; the red blood cells, which carry oxygen. The white blood cells which are part of the immune system and fight diseases... and the platelets or yellow blood cells, which form clots and prevent you from bleeding out. When these cells start dying, so do we. The only way to maintain a healthy level of living blood cells is to drink human blood, to slow the process down. If I were to stop drinking blood today, I would be dead in a matter of weeks".

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