Chapter 24: Intruder.

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Dedicated to @-zayniallarry


Chapter 24: Intruder.

Zayn's POV

She was in control and she damn well knew it. I wasn't about to complain though, I found her confidence undoubtedly sexy.

As we kissed, I rested my hands on her hips, holding on to her only tight enough to not lose what was left of my sanity. It was taking every ounce of self control I had not to rip her clothes off. She wasn't going easy on me either, her hands had long ago let go of my chain and found their place to my hair, where she buried them and brought me even closer to her. There was no space between us.

With our lips connected, we shared one breath. I could savor her essence. She smelled like wildflowers... and tasted like spring.

It was her earth magic; I could feel it pushing its way out. I broke off the kiss slowly, so she wouldn't be alarmed, giving her body time to cool off.

Even though I unlinked our lips, she didn't back away. Both our breaths were heavy and the little air that we each had just mingled together as a result of our close proximity.

"So tell me the real reason why you can't sleep?" she asked, her voice soft and playful; it was the tone used for secrets between lovers. The sole sound of it coming out of her mouth was exhilarating; sending a rush of adrenaline through my whole body, but I tried to conceal it the best that I could.

"I haven't gotten any sleep since the first night you stayed over," I confessed hesitantly, "The single thought of sleeping under the same roof as you but not with you... " I didn't continue, letting her imagination fill in the blank.

"Drives you crazy?" she finished questioningly. She was smirking. She knew the answer.

"Something like that," I said with a smile.

Before she decided to continue the conversation, I weaved one of my arms around her waist and drew her closer, kissing her again. She didn't fight it or held back, not that I was expecting her too.

It didn't take long for the situation to get heated again. That's when it happened. I was leaving a trail of kisses down her throat but as soon as I kissed her neck and felt her pulse against my lips, the urges kicked in. They hit me with an incredible force, almost bringing me to my knees. I could feel it... the monster trying to tear its way out. I pulled myself away from Skye, almost knocking my work-desk off its side.

Skye's eyes clouded with confusion at my odd behavior. My breathing was heavy, but all I could hear was her pulse and her rapid heartbeat, mocking me, taunting me to follow my savage impulses. I turned away from her, covering my ears with the palm of my hands, but it was no use, I couldn't keep the noise out. It was drilling away at every corner inside my skull.

"Zayn," her voice was like a tempting caress. I grabbed at my hair whilst walking to the other side of the room, putting as much distance between us as I could.

"I can't do this," I choke out.

"Why?" she sounded concerned... and closer. I didn't dare look back at her.


Skye's POV

"Look at me Zayn and tell me why," I demanded, my voice stinging with frustration. It had all been going great but then he just... slipped away.

"Skye, I can't," he said, his voice full of regret.

"Look at me," I urged, not about to take a no for an answer.

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