Chapter 29: Protectors of the Earth.

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Enjoy that shirtless gif of Colton Haynes aka Frederick lol

Chapter dedicated to @BiancaTheDamnPenguin


Chapter 29: Protectors of the Earth.

Skye's POV

I screamed out in pain.

In a matter of seconds, all the guys burst through the bedroom door, one after the other. Harry was the first one to get to me and where I was laying in bed.

Tears were burning in my eyes and I was biting my lip so hard I knew I was bleeding. I was trying to suppress another scream.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Harry asked, nothing but concern on his voice. My eyes were sealed shut as I dug my nails on the mattress below me. I groaned, unable to answer.

I had been fine. After Zayn told us about Pakinam, his spy and Louis' third in command, we all sort of went on our different ways. I went directly to take a shower and then jumped into bed. I was exhausted. A few minutes later, a searing pain burned all across my back. It hadn't faded. It felt as if someone was writing with a torch gun on my back.

"Skye," this was Zayn, and he sounded alarmed. I let some tears fall as I tried to respond, but the effort only resulted on more pain scalding my skin.

I fastened my hands on the covers and blankets.

"My back... my back." That's all I could manage to say. It seemed to be enough for them to understand what the source of the problem was. Before I knew it, some hands forcefully held my arms and legs down so that I would stop struggling and writhing in pain. My eyes were still shut so I didn't know who was doing what, but I knew the person who pulled my shirt up to take a look. It was Zayn. I knew this because his skin was always so hot that it almost felt like he had a permanent fever.

"What the hell is that?" I heard Louis ask. For a few heartbeats, no one said anything. I wanted to ask them what they were seeing but the pain was too intense. Thankfully, Frederick spoke.

"They're marks," he said slowly, his tone astonished.

Even without looking, I knew everyone's eyes were probably on him right about now.

"Would you like to elaborate?" Zayn questioned. He sounded irritated.

"They're Warden Marks. Well, the first ones. She'll get more of them later on," he said.

The pain had subsided slightly, so I was able to speak.

"What does it mean? Why do I have them?" I asked. My voice sounded strained.

As soon as they heard me, they let go of my arms and legs, providing me the freedom to try to sit upright, which was hard considering the amount of pain I was still on.

"All powerful wardens get them, Skye. Especially when they use their powers frequently," Frederick said. I didn't know if I was imagining it or if the pain was screwing with my head, but his voice sounded full of awe, which was really odd.

When I managed to somehow pull myself up into a strange sort of sitting position, I looked up at the fire warden.

"So, I'm powerful," I started. "I already knew that." Zayn said. I knew he was thinking about the blast I hit him with during our training earlier today. I tried not to smile. "And I'm getting these marks on my back because I'm using my powers more often?" I asked. I wanted to make sure I had understood correctly. Frederick nodded yes as his response.

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