Chapter 2: Confrontations.

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Dedicated to @Iraawrr


Chapter 2: Confrontations.

Skye's POV

I pulled down the hem of my short and strapless black dress, but it was no use, the fabric would not stretch and would not go lower than mid-thigh.

I sighed in frustration, mumbling to myself about previously knowing that I was going to regret going anywhere with Jessica. Speaking of whom, while I was grumpy and extremely annoyed at my lack of clothing, my new co-worker friend was overly excited about her partial nudity. I'm serious, she was wearing what could only be described as a very bedazzled and colorful bra with a skirt so short it could pass as underwear. Well, I had to admit, she did looked sort of sexy... if you're into that kind of stuff.

I massaged my temples trying to push away the growing throb that will surely become a really bad headache as the night progresses.

Jessica's delighted squeal caught my attention, and I rose my eyes at what she was looking at.

In front of us stood the two-story night club that we had talked about visiting. Somber. The edgy font used for the word, along with the dark red color used for the letters and the blood drops design in the R gave the outside of the place a sinister vibe. I suddenly wanted to avoid entering the place, hoping with all my might that Jessica would feel discouraged with this sight and ask me to go someplace else.

But that was wishful thinking from my part; my friend was set in going in. Even the long line of visitors that went all around the venue and into the parking lot did not sway her from her objective. It only made her more determined on getting in.

"Jess, do we really have to go through all this hassle just to get in into this... place?" I struggled with the last word because I had to search for something that wouldn't sound insulting. Jessica took her night club life very seriously, and she had told me that Somber was the hottest place in town at the moment so I had to try to change her mind without upsetting her, which is why I was very careful with my wording. In the week I had known Jessica I had learned that if you wanted to persuade her into something, you had to approach her like you would a vicious animal like... like a wolf.

I shuddered at the memory of the weird dream with wolves I had a few nights ago. I still haven't figured out how the desert sand got to my shower. Not that I really was desperate to know. Some things are better left unknown.

I pushed aside the thoughts about wolves and desert sand and focused on my friend. A look at her smiling face told me she was really excited and had completely ignored my previous question. I sighed, resigned to my fate.

"Fine. We'll stay. But how do you plan to get in anyways? With this line we'll get in at 3am," I mumbled. It was already almost 11 o'clock. So yes, waiting for our turn would suck.

"Sweetie, I always have an idea." At Jessica's words, my eyebrows knitted together in a frown and before I had time to ask her what she meant, she linked her arm around mine and pulled me forward. We walked right beside the long line of people waiting to get in the club, ignoring insults and complaints. As we got closer to the entrance of the place, and reached the bouncer who was checking for ID's, the music from inside the club got loud enough for us to hear the thumping of the bass.

When the tall and heavy muscled bouncer with dark hair finished with the guests he was checking personal documents of, he let them pass and Jessica pulled me with her in front of him. He looked us both up and down, his gaze raking our body, lingering more over Jessica's. I tried not to glare.

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