Chapter 59: Words Are Just Words.

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Dedicated to @TamurilOfMirkwood :)


Chapter 59: Words Are Just Words.

Skye's POV

Words, I didn't want to hear them. Not from him. Not after everything he had done.

My hand still stung from slapping him, but the satisfaction of seeing the look on his face was worth the pain. At least, I had hoped it would. But it didn't. The ache in my heart intensified at the hurt in his eyes. How dare he look hurt? I was the one that was hurt. He betrayed me! All of us!

"Skye..." he said my name softly, but stopped there. I could tell he was afraid I would slap him again if he said anything else.

"You were the only person I would have never doubted, Liam." There was defeat in my voice as I looked into his brown eyes. The ones that used to be so warm. Eyes I used to trust. But not anymore... "I guess that's why they used you."

In that moment, Liam looked into my eyes, his way of letting me know that he was about to speak the truth.

"There is nothing I can say to make up for what I've done," he said.

I rolled my eyes at this. Damn right.

He continued. "I'm not even gonna try to ask for your forgiveness again. It wouldn't be fair to you for me to do so. What's been happening and what will happen in the future, has never been about you. You're just an innocent caught in the crossfire. I wish it hadn't come to this. I never meant to turn out this way... but it happened and there is nothing that I can do to stop what is coming. I know this doesn't make any sense, and that my betrayal will not be pardoned or forgotten, but there's only one person whose well being I care for most in this world and I was not willing to let him get hurt on my account, for my mistakes. I just couldn't do it. I owed him more than my life, so I couldn't let his life be taken away for my faults."

"Who are you talking about?" I asked, in the midst of my anger. Before Liam could respond, it dawned on me.There was only one person he cared and respected more than Zayn. He was talking about Louis.

"What are you trying to say? Who could even hurt Louis?" I asked.

Liam opened his mouth to respond, but I put a hand up.

"Nevermind. I don't care what you have to say. It's not like I'll believe a word that comes out of your mouth, anyways. If you cared so much about Louis, you wouldn't have endangered him like you did by betraying Zayn. I don't know much about how politics work in the supernatural world, but I'm assuming if it had been somebody else in Zayn's position, the alpha of a traitor would have probably been punished for his beta's wrongdoings".

I hit a nerve. I knew because Liam's eyes quickly fell to the ground, ashamed. He said nothing else.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," I muttered.

"Are you satisfied?" his voice was soft, unlike Louis at all.

I hadn't heard him walk in the room again, but when he spoke, I turned to face him.

In the fragment of a glance, I noticed something about Louis that I hadn't noticed before when I stormed inside to talk to Liam. His eyes, usually bright blue, full of life and mischief, looked dull and with no special shine. Dark shadows circled them as a sign of no sleeping. His clothes always impeccable, were a mess of wrinkled and crumpled fabric.

The alpha's mind was tormented by his right hand's betrayal.

"Why would I be satisfied? him knowing he fucked up doesn't change the fact that he did," I said.

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