Chapter 66: Burdens.

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Dedicated to beccahrossx for still being around ♥️
Chapter 66: Burdens.

Frederick's POV

I pushed it all aside. My feelings. My thoughts. Skye.

It was the only way I could get myself to leave her. I had a duty to my family and my people and I couldn't abandon them for her. So I shut it all out. For the time being, all I was concerned with was the time, the road, and speed that I needed to get back home. Driving past the seemingly infinite line of tees.

The three hour drive was numbing. I felt everything I had been worrying about fade away as I put physical distance from it. But then my warden responsibilities slowly crept up on me and settled on my shoulders like an invisible burden.

By the time I was on a familiar dirt road, daylight was burning color into the horizon. Orange and pink tones bled through the sky as the sun rose. I marveled at it and for a second, I let myself think about Skye and if she was watching it too, or if she was still in the land of dreams; the only place I didn't feel the need to protect her.

I pushed the thought away as I drove through the towering buildings that I called a home. It felt like forever since I was last here but in reality it had only been a few weeks.

I was a different person then, the thought surprised me ever so slightly. But only because it rang true.

I shook my head and glanced at my surroundings as I reduced the speed I had been driving at. Everything was brick and metal. Instead of a small city, it looked more like a military compound. At the gates, guards stood post. One of them recognized me right away and motioned to let me through. I drove past them and their somber expressions. They know, I realized. They know why I'm back.

The next time I'm out of my thoughts, I'm standing in front of the Fire Palace. The living quarters of the royal family. My family.

It stood tall and unforgiving. Dark and pretty much concealed from the outside world by the dull gray buildings surrounding it.

A fire symbol decorated the wide doors. Orange, as the sky had been a few minutes ago. I pushed past them and entered what hid on the other side. As soon as I was inside, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could smell smoke, wood and burning meat. The scent of a bonfire barbecue.

I followed said scent into a corridor on the far right that led straight into the great dining hall. A great fire burned at the center, while people gathered around cooking all kinds of food, but mainly meat. Every once in a while, someone would feed the fire some of their own to keep it burning brightly. Kids were running around, chasing each other, giggling and shouting. I smiled briefly. This is home.

"Frederick! It's been too long, brother." My best friend since childhood noticed me from his spot by the fire. He walked towards me now, his blond hair slicked back and a wide grin spread on his face.

"Eric." I said his named in a greeting as he pulled me into a half hug, patting my back enthusiastically. I laughed.

"It hasn't been that long," I said, still smiling.

"It's been remarkably dull since you left," he said with an air of drama. "Plus, I need my drinking buddy. I've failed to find a decent replacement for you. The chaps can't hold their liquor for shit". I laughed as the English man in him came out at the last part. He was handing me a drink as he finished and I downed it in one gulp. This seemed to make him happy and he turned around with an arm around my shoulder.

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