Chapter 31: Fire Warden.

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Dedicated to @samantharoseanne


Chapter 31: Fire Warden.

Frederick's POV


Kansas, United States

December 13, 1994


"Happy Birthday, Freddie." My older brother, Galen, said as he handed me a small white box and patted my head. I looked up at him to meet his blue eyes, my head tilted completely back to see his face since he was so tall compared to me. I smiled.

"Thank you, big brother," I spoke quietly, before looking down at the box in my small hands and pulled at the lid.

A gold medallion laid inside the box. It was round in shape, with a 5 point star drawn into it, and ancient Greek symbols were carved in between each point. Also, an encryption was written all around the edge. I didn't understand the words, because I had just started my Greek Studies a few weeks ago.

"What does it mean?" I asked curiously. My brother knelt down before me, taking the medallion out of the box and hanging it around my neck.

"The Greek people believed in a five set of classical elements, in which each element stood for a fundamental value that everyone should aspire for. Spirit, for all power comes from within. Air, for love is a force that cannot be seem but it gives us life. Fire, for knowledge burns away ignorance. Water, for wisdom is the root to all understanding. And last, but not least, Earth, for truth is everywhere and it is everything. We shall seek it till our last breath". I smiled at the explanation.

"I already have fire," I said, as I stared at the palm of my hand, concentrating on my breathing before a small flickering flame came to life there.

I looked up at my brother who was smiling.

"Yes, you do," he said, "But remember, you should never use your power recklessly. You're a fire warden, the youngest in the royal family. People will look up to you now, and you shall set a good example. Be responsible."

"I will, I promise," I said, smiling at him.

"Good. You're five already, Freddie. You will replace father in another twenty years. It's not going to be easy, and you will feel unprepared, but I know you will do great things as the fire leader".

I frowned at that.

"Aren't you suppose to replace father first and then me replace you?" I asked, confused.

My brother sighed, and looked at the ground before speaking again.

"I will be leaving soon, little brother. I have done things, for our people, that will like every choice ever made, have consequences. You might not understand it now, but you will, when you're older. Just remember everything I have ever taught you".

I nodded, though I didn't understand why he was saying those things.

"Will you be coming back soon from your trip?" I asked, with hope hanging on every word. My brother's smile wasn't right.

"I'll try," he said, putting a hand on my shoulder before pulling me towards him and hugging me.

"What I did, I did for you, for us." He spoke in my ear. I pulled back to look at him.

"What did you do?" I asked.

At that moment, a knock was heard at the door, before a line of men burst in.

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