Chapter 34: The Hybrid.

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Dedicated to @haiqa333


Chapter 34: The Hybrid.

Zayn's POV


Europe, Old World

Year 1508


The world had caught on fire. Everywhere I looked, flames consumed everything in their tracks. They licked the homes of every villager, and stole the life of any person that was caught within its grasp. I saw it happened, my eyes ignited by the sight.

I tried to help, but of course my father had his people force me back, keep me at a safe distance, where I could watch as our whole village burned in the flames, until there was nothing left.

I grieved. I grieved for every innocent soul that lost their lives that night while I just stood and watched alongside my father and the people who swore to protect the people of this village. The same fire that killed our home, burned inside of my heart.

Later that night, as I laid on the ground of a deep forest, on top of a pile of dead leaves, I glanced up at the trees and spotted a small piece of sky above. It was black. No bright, luminous beings in the sky watching us. They must be ashamed of us, the cruel beings that roamed on this planet. I am ashamed too. And with that thought, I dozed off into a fretful sleep.

I had bad dreams, where I burned in the flames of the hellish underworld. I woke up bathed in sweat, to find my father and his men, watching me with judging eyes.

"What?" I practically barked at them. My father half smiled, while his men looked anywhere else but me.

"Don't be rude to our guards," my father said without emotion.

I stared at him hard, but he was unaffected by my gaze. He was a man without fear. Most people envy that about him. But not me. Fear, is what makes us human. If you don't have it, you slowly become something else. Something not from this world.

As I pushed these thoughts aside in my mind, I felt the warmth of sun rays seeping into my skin. The sun was starting to rise in the horizon. I groaned.

"We need to find food and shelter. The closest village is a mile or so away. We need to move out now," this was my father's captain speaking. He was dressed in full Knight armor, made from the best metals in the country. A long sword safely tucked in it's sheath on his waist belt. His eyes were so dark they almost looked black.

"Oh yes, Mistburn is nearby. I have a very good friend there than can help us with what we need," my father spoke thoughtfully. As he said this, he looked back at the cage a few feet away, where the Great Lycan had been contained. They had poked him so much during the night, that now he just stood there, in silence.

I very much doubted that they had broken his spirit. He was the most terrifying creature this world had ever seen. His eyes didn't look curious, or angered. They were calculating, as if it was just bidding its time, waiting for the right moment to make its move. I hope the time came soon. My father let our whole village burn to kill most of the Lycan plague that was spreading through or people, but instead of helping the healthy ones escape, he sent his men to capture The Great Lycan. Many lost their lives in their mission, but they managed to capture it alive and that's all my father cared about. Now he was ready to begin experiments, all he needed was either a doctor or a madman, to do what he asked.

As everyone started putting away their belongings and setting them on their horses, I began doing the same with mine. But the sun was moving higher in the skyline, and the force of its warmth was beginning to weaken me. After I put away some blankets, I leaned against Brazen, my beautiful black stallion. I rested my head on its back and closed my eyes.

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