Author's Note: Please Read.

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I'm going to say this once and only once. I hope no one gets offended because that is not my intention. I have a life outside of Wattpad. As much as I love writing, there are outside factors that affect my moods, inspiration and motivation. I update once a week. Usually on Tuesdays, but that is NOT a set day. The reason why is not set is because sometimes shit happens and I can't update that day. I would like to believe that you guys understand that I am human. I go through personal stuff just like you guys. When you urge me to update it upsets me. It's not like I make you guys wait for weeks or months. I find it a little unfair that you can't be a little patient with me. I've been getting some rude comments as well, which I have deleted because I don't like negative people tainting things that I'm passionate about. If you don't like my story, don't read it. Or tell me what's wrong and if I can I'll try to fix it. But please don't be rude. You can criticize something politely, if you're trying to help me improve (because I do strongly believe that there's always room for improvement and because I love learning new things). But if you're just being rude because that's the kind of person you are than screw you, I don't give a damn what you think.

That being said, today is Tuesday. But my father has been in the hospital all day and I've been worried sick because we didn't know what was wrong with him. They're running some tests and it might not be anything serious, but I'm still praying for him. 

I will write an update for you guys in the next few hours, because writing helps with my anxiety (which I've been dealing with for the past 2 years, if you didn't know). But please don't expect something long because I don't know exactly how much I'll be able to write. 

I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from. I'm really not trying to be a bitch. I just need you to understand me. 

Thank you if you're reading this. I do love writing for you guys. I feel like we have a lot of fun with this story and I hope it continues to be that way. 

Stay Awesome,

Liz x

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