Chapter 12: Discussions.

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Dedicated to @_Mrs__Malik_


Chapter 12: Discussions.

Zayn's POV

When I didn't hear anything from Harry the whole day, I was absolutely certain that something bad had happened. Even with this thought drilled in my head, I still hoped that he hadn't received another ugly beating. But my hopes flew out the window when he came to me after the council meeting was over. His whole face was a mess of bruises in different tones of purple and blue colors, some darker than others. Him getting beat up, seemed to be happening a lot more frequently now and I was starting to worry about him. He never complained or talked about it, but I knew it was hurting him. Ever since everyone in the council found out what he was, that specific piece of news spread like wildfire through the whole supernatural community; that's when the assaults on him started. They were rare and random in the beginning, but in the past few months they were happening on a weekly basis... sometimes even twice a week. I knew it was taking a toll on him, both physically and emotionally. A guy like Harry wasn't accustomed to being hated. And he could heal oddly fast, but there's only so much that his mistreated body could do.

I was in the living room of the manor when he came in, Frederick and Skye right behind him. I stood up, searching his face with my gaze. The bruises looked even worse than they did an hour ago, or maybe it was the dark lighting in the room. Either way, Harry's own eyes had a warning, one that told me that he didn't want to talk about it. So I said nothing, and glanced between the two other people in the room.

Frederick's smirk seemed to be a permanent ornament that clung on his face. It was the expression that he always wore, the only one I've ever seen on him. The bastard always knew what he wanted and how to get it, and tonight was no exception.

As soon as I was told that he had been appointed the new council member representing the wardens, I knew he would be a problem. God knows the only way a council member is replaced is only if the current one dies or is forced to step down by his clan. Frederick is a powerful spokesperson, he knows how to play an audience. He knows how to make people agree with him, even when he says something incredibly ridiculous. He managed to get the last warden to step down, which means he got his clan to agree with him on it, and while he was on it, he got himself appointed as his replacement.

Of course, I still hoped he would keep his bullshit to himself, but that was wishful thinking from my part. He let everyone agree with Liam being appointed as Skye's caretaker only so that he could be the only one to disagree, and therefore, he would be the only one to have the option of choosing another caretaker. To top it all off, I fell for his argument, I had no other choice. If I didn't agree to give him a chance to appoint his own caretaker for Skye, he would convince the council that Liam couldn't be appointed as well and I needed someone I trusted with her at all times. An image of me breaking his neck with my own bare hands flashed in my head when the meeting ended. That's how upset I really was at the whole thing. I hated the guy, and he hated me. I couldn't trust him to take care of her, instead the idea of him being anywhere near Skye made me weary.

"You look... disgruntled," Frederick spoke smugly.

I pointed a feral smile at him, "Unfortunately for me, if I were to kill you right now, I would be stripped of my head of council position. Otherwise you'd be dead by now," my smile had vanished as quickly as it had appeared as I said this. His own smile faltered for a moment before he managed to compose it. At least he wasn't stupid enough not to be afraid of me. The realization gave me a hint of satisfaction.

"There's no need for violence, my friend, especially if it would end up badly for you... and it would make your father look very bad in front of all the supernaturals out there," Frederick said.

"You never know when to shut up, do you?" was all I replied. Skye was looking at me curiously and I knew what she wanted to ask.

"My father... he is the head of state. Meaning-" but she cut me off.

"That's he's the most powerful man in the country, where supernaturals are concerned," she finished for me, her voice tinted with something that sounded like awe. I saw something in her eyes change at that, as if she were looking at me in a different light. At her unnerving aquamarine colored gaze, I felt myself having trouble keeping her gaze, so I didn't. Instead I turned to Harry, "Could you get the others? I think we should discuss everything now as quickly as we can. I'm sure Mrs. Noelle is tired, it's been a long day". Harry quickly left to follow my instructions. Through the corner of my eye I could still feel Skye staring at me, but I pretended not to notice.

Skye's POV

That night I dreamt of werewolves, vampires, human-shaped lizards and fire... lots of fire.

When I woke up, I did so in a start, and was genuinely panicked when I found myself in an unfamiliar bedroom. The curtains were silky red lace, unlike mine, which were white cotton. The bed was too soft and big to be my own. It took me a few minutes to get back into my senses enough to remember that I was not at home, but at Zayn's mansion. After the long discussion we had last night, which was mostly ground rules (things I could do and things I couldn't), and instructions to Liam and Frederick on how they would proceed as my caretakers. Of course Frederick made everything difficult and he questioned every single thing that came out of Zayn's mouth. What should have been a short discussion ended up being a full on argument that went on until four in the morning. I dozed off at some point, and I guess that explains why I was not on my own, smaller but familiar bed.

The door to the room swooshed opened then, and two figures stepped inside. My caretakers.

"What- Don't you guys knock?" I mumbled in my groggy morning voice, while rubbing my eyes which burned by the sudden brightness that streamed into the room from the opened door.

"I tried but Frederick barged in before I could. I heard you wake up," Liam sounded apologetic, Frederick didn't even bother showing his delight at being annoying.

Wait, Liam heard me wake up? That werewolf hearing is awesome, I thought in amazement.

"It's okay, I guess," I replied solemnly, as I stretched my arms.

"I'm so glad you're okay with it. Okay, I'm not. I don't really care. We're starting your training today so go take a shower and get ready," Frederick's voice was all business. My eyes widened at what he said.

"My training starts today? What training, exactly?" I asked.

"The training for your abilities, of course. What else would it be for, woman?"


A/N: Thank you for 5,000 reads. You guys are awesome. This chapter is dedicated to all of you out there reading and supporting this story <3

P.S. I should let you know that this chapter I didn't write just to update. My aunt was having open heart surgery today after having a heart attack last night and my anxiety was gnawing at me, so I wrote this as therapeutic writing, as suggested by my best friend. I'm sorry it was sort of boring, I promise I will update again as soon as I can and it won't be boring. Again, this chapter was written mostly so I could feel better and it served its purpose and my aunt is now fine so everything is good :)

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