Chapter 27: What Matters.

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Dedicated to @its_Zoe101


Chapter 27: What Matters.

Third Person's POV

She passed through security without incident. At another place, with a different group of people, they would've looked at her suspiciously and would deny her entry. Her exotic features spoke of a foreign nationality; Egyptian to be precise. But she was a werewolf and the werewolf race had spread out all around the globe centuries ago. The only racism that existed within the packs was mostly about who was higher in position, but that's about it. The color of your skin or your race didn't mean anything. Everyone shared the same curse and that's all that really mattered.

Once she entered the facility, she realized the place was like a whole other world. It was definitely a training establishment. There were endless rows of men and women, dressed in military gear, training in one way or the other. Most were half way transformed, with bright colored eyes and canines showing. One of the men from up front was guiding her through the place, pointing out where everything was. He told her that they took in almost everyone who showed up at their gates, as long as they shared the same passion against werewolf hierarchy as their leader did. The point of this rebellion, if you could call it that, was to oppose to the way werewolf governing functioned. Most members of the werewolf community could sympathize, which is why the place was so packed.

"That's everything I needed to show you, now you can start the first round of training. It will be provided by one of the more experienced members. I hope you find our facility to be everything you were expecting. It is our promise that what we are training you for, will change the whole history of the supernatural community. Our leader will guide us to victory as we stand against the council's regime and we destroy all of werewolves ranking order." The man, whose name might have been George, though the girl could not be sure at all, was talking with a passion-filled voice. That's what you get when people are behind a cause that could change their lifestyles forever. Robots of the leader's cause. She knew better than to let herself be brain-washed by strong words and pretty ideas. She would need a lot more than that to vow her loyalty to someone other than her alpha.

"When does the training begin?" the girl asked curiously.

"Immediately, ma'am," the man replied quickly.

"Good," she said, her mouth curling into a smile. Then, almost as an afterthought, she added the next part, "and please, call me Paki".


Skye's POV

I sat up from the leather couch of Zayn's enormous living room when both Frederick and Harry walked in. They had been gone all day, which meant that Niall and Louis had been on babysitting duties while Liam and Zayn worked on some business that I am apparently not supposed to be interested in.

"Where have you two been?" Niall asked as soon as he saw them come in. Both men stood side to side in the middle of the room.

"None of your business, obviously," Frederick replied automatically. Sometimes I wondered if he was naturally an asshole or if if he had to practice a lot to be so good at it. I might ask him one day.

Niall was not offended in the least. With a chuckle he said, "You've been spending an awful lot of time together. Are you two best mates now?" His voice was amused. I was trying to hide my smile, mostly because I had noticed a change in Frederick's initial repulsion against Harry.

"I rather be dead," Frederick remarked, folding his arms against his chest.

"The feeling is mutual," Harry added. He was openly smiling at Frederick, who noticed when he glanced beside him at Harry. The fire warden rolled his eyes, but I noticed how the usual loathing in his gaze when he looked at Harry was missing.

"You're growing on him," I gushed, directing my gaze to Harry. My friend's indented smile made an appearance before he responded.

"He'll deny it till the day he meets his grave... but I think so too". There was obvious pride at the statement.

"No, you're not, filthy blood. The only reason that I prefer going with you to wherever Zayn sends me to go is because from all this useless bunch, you're a little less useless than the others. I may be a judgmental douche but I'm not an idiot".

No one believed a word he said. But we didn't push the matter any further because Zayn entered the room and suddenly all of our eyes were on him. There was something about the look in his eyes that told us that there was big news to be revealed.

Louis was the first one to speak, "I am safely assuming that there has been some sort of development".

Zayn nodded curtly before walking to the center of the room, a spot where we all could see him from wherever we were situated in the room.

"I just received a very short phone call from Louis' third in command. She was just admitted into the training facility tonight. She calculates that there are at least 600 werewolves already enrolled in their training program. Just as the Woods' twins informed us, the leader is definitely raising an army to go against the council and throw out the current werewolf laws out the window".

"If the leader wanted only to change the way werewolves laws worked, he would just eliminate me and demand the council to give him a seat and the power to change our regulations. If he is looking to take down all of the council he is truly after something else, though he is smart enough not to tell his loyal followers of his other motivations to start a rebellion." Louis spoke with conviction and with a tone that could only be described as one of a military leader accessing a situation objectively and emotionlessly.

"So what do we do with this information?" I asked quietly. I was almost afraid to speak, and be reprimanded by one of them, since I had no real reason to be a part of this meeting.

"Nothing for now," Zayn said casually, "we have to wait for Pakinam, Louis' left hand, to get us more information. It's a very dangerous mission, the one I set for her; she had to enter enemy grounds and pretend she's interested in their operation so that she can spy on them and report what she learns back to us. She could get killed in the process." Zayn's thoughtful talking manner turned into worry by the end of his response.

"She won't," Louis snapped, "I trained her myself. After myself and Liam, she's the best".

No one said anything, because everyone was always afraid of Louis losing his temper. I think we have all noticed that lately he was a lot more easily irritated than usual. I was starting to think it had something to do with me, since he now has taken the habit of giving me dirty looks. Granted, I stabbed him today during training. But his dislike towards me had been growing even before I did that. I didn't understand what I had done to him to deserve his sudden hostility, but I knew I would get to the bottom of it soon enough.


A/N: So it's 4am and I'm so tired. This is all I could write and it's super boring so I'm sorry. Also, something hurts when I breathe and I don't know if it's my lung or my rib >.<

I hope you're all doing okay. I love you peeps.

I was thinking that maybe I could ask a question in my author's note in every chapter, so we can get to know each other better? I'll answer as well so you guys get to know me too. I don't know. Maybe you guys won't like the idea. But I do so...

Question: Where are you guys from?

I'm from Puerto Rico, but I have been living in Florida for over 4 years now.

Now it's your turn :)

Alright that's it. Stay Awesome peeps.


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