Chapter 33: Explanations.

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Dedicated to @DominosZayn


Chapter 33: Explanations.

Skye's POV

"Are you insane? What is wrong with you?" I yelled at Frederick, shoving at his chest. He let me do it and was forced to take a step back. He still didn't say anything. It had been about three hours since the battle outside with the werewolves. It had been three hours since Frederick set Lycan Zayn on fire and the guys took him God knows where to do God knows what. Three agonizing hours of not knowing what the hell is going on. Three hours of yelling so much at Frederick that my voice was hoarse and my throat was way beyond an ache and more into the 'keep-screaming and and it will rip wide open' kind of pain.

"You could have killed him! You could have killed Zayn! What were you thinking?" I kept screaming through the pain, but was very well aware that if I kept this up it wouldn't be long till I lost my voice. Frederick let out a frustrated breath.

"Gee, maybe I was thinking, 'oh hey, I can save this idiot's life. I can stop her psycho of a boyfriend from trying to eat her or something'. You should be thanking me right now. You would be pretty much dead if it wasn't for me, Skye!"

"I'm not going to thank you for trying to kill Zayn, even if it was to save my life!" I argued.

"I wasn't trying to kill him!" he snapped. He pulled at his short brown hair and sighed in frustration.

"Fire is the only thing that can kill Lycans. You were trying to kill him and you know it," I retorted.

Frederick groaned and looked me dead in the eye. "I'm not suppose to explain this to you. I'm supposed to wait until they get back and Zayn will explain everything," he said.

"We don't know if Zayn will be coming back, remember. You burned him almost to death!" I shouted with passion.

"Oh for the love of God, Skye. I didn't try to kill him. Yes, he's a Lycan and fire is the only thing that can kill a Lycan. But Zayn is not just a Lycan," Frederick blurted. His eyes widened at what he had just revealed.

"What do you mean? What else is he?" I asked, confused.

Frederick looked around uncomfortable, probably debating if he should continue. When no one burst through the doors to stop him, he went on.

"He's like us, Skye. He's a hybrid".

I frowned at that. "He's a hybrid?" Frederick nodded as a response.

My heart started beating louder in my chest, accelerating at the thought and the possibilities of this new piece of information.

"What else is he, Frederick? Lycan and what else?" I asked slowly. My voice was slightly shaking and I wanted to blame all the screaming and shouting for it, but deep down I knew that wasn't the reason. Deep down I knew that it was fear, but of what, I wasn't sure.

Frederick was quiet for a few seconds before he spoke, "Vampire. Zayn is Lycan and vampire."

Zayn's POV

For a while, everything was black. Pitch dark. I couldn't see, hear, smell or feel anything. It was like the whole world had fallen away into an abyss, and left me behind in limbo. I was stuck there for an indefinite period of time, but when everything started returning, my senses, colors and the rest of the world; I wished it hadn't.

There was pain. There was nothing but pain, in every part of my body. Blurred faces hovered over me, telling me things that I couldn't understand. It took a while for my vision to focus and for everything to look more normal. It took a bit more time for the voices to begin making sense. I recognized the first one as Louis.

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