Chapter 67: Earth Blessed.

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Dedicated to @rahatali152 and @HaKkona_MaTaTa because you are both lovely and made me happy with your comments and support ❤️
Chapter 67: Earth Blessed.
Skye's POV

I laid in the bathtub curled into myself under the rain of the shower head. My own tears mingled with the water as I tried to suppress my cries of pain. The water had been hot when I first started the shower. It had long ago turned cold. My back felt like it was on fire and being stabbed by hundreds of needles both at the same time.

But I barely made a sound. Just endured it on my own. No reason to alarm the guys, when I already knew what was happening and that there was nothing they could do to help me. The rest of my warden marks were surfacing on my skin. But the pain, as bad as it was, wasn't nearly as bad as the times before. So I was hopeful, that the design was almost complete.

I'm not sure how long I was there, but the physical exertion as a result from the pain must have taken it's toll because next thing I knew, I was opening my eyes, trying to shake the tiredness from my sleepy eyes. Did I fall asleep?

Slowly, I turned the water off and stood up in the tub. I was sore as hell but I pushed through the discomfort and stepped out of the bathtub and stood in front of the large mirror on the wall. I turned to the side and gasped in surprise at my reflection. I couldn't see all of it, but enough to be in awe. The marks had taken the shape of vines across one side of my back to the other, with an intricate webbing of flowers through it all. They were Amaryllises. My mom's favorite flowers.

Tears burned in my eyes but I held them in, knowing fully well I wouldn't stop crying if I let myself go there. The time for crying is over. It's the time for action. And training. Because there was no way in hell I was going to continue being a burden on everyone around me. Not when I had plenty of abilities that I could use to protect myself.

Later on, after I had dressed and pulled myself together, I found a confused Niall in the kitchen and dragged him outside. I marched across the field of grass and into the forest behind the mansion and he asked no questions until we were far enough out that no one could hear us.

"Uh, what's going on, darling?" His voice was tentative. Not cautious, exactly, more like unsure if he should be asking that at all.

I turn to face him. His blond hair was fading to his darker natural color and his eyes shone in expectation with the question he had just asked.

"I need more training." I said nothing more.

Niall nodded slowly, understanding. "Why didn't you ask Zayn?" He wondered.

I shrugged. I actually didn't know why I hadn't gone to him. It would make sense, except after the morning I had, a new thought had invaded my mind. The thought that Zayn would always try to tell me what I wanted to hear. As long as it didn't go against what he thinks is his plan to keep me safe. Looking at Niall now, waiting for my answer, I had to bite my tongue to keep the truth to myself. That I was having more and more trouble trusting Zayn.

We kept having these arguments and conversations and I demand for more and he pretends he's giving it to me, but in reality, nothing ever changes. We stall, until the next time something blows up in our faces and I get upset again. Then we repeat the whole cycle again. It was getting old.

But instead of saying everything going through my mind, I said "I don't know. Just, please, help me?" I begged with my eyes as well. Niall sighed as he combed a hand through his hair.

"You're trouble. But alright. I'll help you. What did you have in mind?" He asked, gracing me with a half smile.

I let out the breath I had been holding and quickly shared my idea. "You know how you guys told me a while back about how psions have all these abilities and that you guys weren't familiar with all of them?" He nodded and I continued. "Well, the past few weeks have been insane and it's been nearly impossible to keep track of everything. So I decided to write it all down. Anything I can remember, all the details and what I've learned about myself and about all of you. As I was doing this, I realized something."

I paused, suddenly nervous about even bringing it up. But Niall's kind eyes urged me on with their attention, so I shared my thoughts.

"I first met Louis as a wolf chasing me on a desert. A desert I ended up at, after wishing myself out of a dangerous situation. Then when I woke up the next day, I was back home. So I thought it was all a dream, except I found desert sand in my bathroom. I honestly can't believe I forgot about it until now, I was freaking out at the time. I guess I had other things to freak out about after I met you guys. But anyways, last time I went back to my place with the guys to pick up some of my stuff. I brought with me some of my mom's books. I've been reading one of them. I've read it before when I was younger but back then I didn't know what I know now." I was rambling. Barely taking breaths as words spilled out of my mouth clumsily. Niall, noticing this, put his hands on my shoulders and motioned me to take a deep breath with him. I mimicked his actions and felt myself relax a little bit.

"What it is, Skye? What did you find?" He finally questioned.

"I think I teleported that night. Well, the right term is apportation. It's rare, even for psions, to develop this kind of ability. But I did it. I did it when I didn't know what the hell I was. If I can do it again... if I can do it by command, I'd be safer! You guys wouldn't have to keep putting your lives at risk for me. Hell, I could actually help with the war!"

I waited expectantly after I was finished, but Niall didn't say anything. Not at first. I grew annoyed with his silence. But before I could say anything, he smiled. "Do you think Zayn would be okay with it?"

I was going to reply until I noticed his eyes weren't on me, but directed at a spot behind me. I turned around quickly to meet whoever had been eavesdropping on our conversation and found Harry's green eyes studying me carefully.

"I'm not asking for his permission," I said through gritted teeth. Harry took a step closer, still staring at me.

"I don't think she cares if he's okay with it," he told Niall, still holding my gaze. "And if we've got any wits of our own, I don't think we should piss her off."

Niall put his arm around me, his attention still on Harry. "So what are we doing?" He asked.

Harry finally smiled, with dimples and all, "We're going to help her figure out that particular skill."

Slightly surprised, I watched him, "Why go against what Zayn would want? You're the most loyal out of all of them," I pondered.

Harry looked away at this, breaking eye contact for the first time. He looked up at the trees and the pieces of blue sky poking through the branches and leaves.

"Because with the enemies we've all made, we might need your help to win this war."
A/N: Hello beautiful people! Here I am again. Trying my best to finish this story. Thank you to those who are still here. It's humbling and I'm filled with joy, knowing that I'm not the only one needing to see this story through. Thank you again ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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