Chapter 63: Unveiled.

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Dedicated to BriannaNicole561 :)


Chapter 63: Unveiled.

Skye's POV

As soon as I told Zayn that I wanted to speak to him in private, I turned in the direction of the door that led us outside to his patio. I didn't look back to see if he was following, I knew he was.

When I stepped outside into the late night, I was surprised by a gust of chilly fall air. I wrapped my arms around myself as I took a couple of more steps farther away from the mansion. Finally, once I knew we were out of earshot from our supernatural friends, I turned to face Zayn. He was right there, as I had predicted. Now we looked at each other unblinking. He broke the silence first.

"What is it you want to talk about?" he asked. There was nothing in his voice that hinted as to what he was thinking, let alone feeling.

For the first time since my practice in Winter Garden, I let the walls in my mind come down, just enough for me to use my abilities. I wanted to read Zayn's mind.

I said nothing as I concentrated. As expected, I hit his wall as soon as I tried to reach into his thoughts. But I persisted, pushing at his mental barriers without hesitation.

"Skye..." Zayn's voice was barely a whisper, but still a warning.

I ignored it and closed my eyes. I envisioned his wall as if it were made of concrete and then imagined my power to be a wrecking ball and sent it straight into it.The wall cracked and several pieces fell, giving way to a weak point in which I would be able to take down the whole barrier. As I prepared myself to do just that, I took a deep breath, one that I quickly let back out as a pair of hands grabbed me by the arms and shook me.

I opened my eyes.

"What are you doing?" Zayn's red eyes glowed in the dark, as he stared down at me with a look of surprise.

"I don't know, what do you think?" I spat out. I was startled at the anger in my voice, but only slightly. Zayn's eyes widened at the tone though, as if finally realizing that I was upset.

"You were gonna read my mind?" there was disbelief in his voice. Then annoyance crossed his beautifully sculpted features. "I can't believe you".

I took a step back to put some space between us.

"You can't believe me? Are you fucking kidding me?" At that moment, something inside me snapped.

This gave Zayn pause, and I saw him trying to regain composure. He sounded calm when he spoke next.

"I understand that you're upset about Frederick leaving, but you can't possibly take it out on me".

I looked at him incredulously.

"This has nothing to do with him! This is about you and how I'm sick and tired of all your secrets, your unfinished stories and all the bullshit that you continue to keep from me! I am not a child. Stop treating me like one! And since you mentioned him. Yes, I am upset about Frederick leaving. Know why? Because he's the only person in this whole damn place who tells me things as they are, no beating around the bushes, no sugar coating, just simple truths. It seems to me that honesty is something uncommon to people like you".

"People like me?" Zayn's tone rose a fraction. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Anger clouded his expression, just as I knew it probably crossed mine as well. But I was making a point and was not planning on backing down. This conversation was long overdue.

Zayn's POV

I should've known. I should've seen it in the quiet fire of her eyes. But I was too wrapped up in the one consuming me from inside to notice it. The beast was no longer restless. No, it was trying destroy its way out, and keeping myself in control was becoming harder and harder by the second. I knew I should walk away from her, because nothing good could come out of us arguing. But my fire wanted to fight hers and before I knew it, it was too late for either of us to stop.

"It means, people like you with high positions in their political hierarchy. Being the council leader and your father being the biggest supernatural figure of power in the country, it has given you the right and flexibility to get away with pretty much whatever you want. You've hurt people to show your dominance and establish your authority within your community".

I rose an eyebrow at that. "Are you accusing me of being a tyrant or a spoiled brat?" I questioned.

She huffed, "I'm calling you an asshole. An asshole who continuously promises that he cares about people... about me... but fails to show it in the right way".

"I care about you!" I argue. "And I'm sorry I have completely fucked up your life, but what else could I have done different? If you know then answer, then tell me. Because I have no clue what I'm doing and I am also sick and tired of keeping things from you and hurting you over and over again".

"Then stop doing it! Just tell me things, damn it! Tell me how you feel. Tell me how I can help. Tell me everything... anything. I don't want to keep feeling like this is one sided. Like I'm the only one trying to understand the past. You obviously hate yourself for what's happened, what you've done. But I don't. Maybe I should. But I can't. I could never possibly hate you. All I hate is that you can't seem to let me completely in".

"I don't want to hurt you," I say in defeat, my anger subsiding, my fire burning out.

"Then don't," she says, her voice so soft it might have been the wind speaking.

In the stillness of the night, I look at her. The silhouette of her sad expression, is revealed to me by the moonlight showering over her face. The sight creates a lump in my throat, one that i can't push down. I take a step closer and cup her face in my hands, cautiously, hoping that she doesn't pull away. She doesn't. Her eyes find my own in a question.

The beast, which had been begging to be free a few minutes ago, calmed down as I touched Skye's skin. Her beautiful eyes holding mine, seemed to soothe the turmoil inside of me. I felt a momentary surge of peace and suddenly I was myself again. The beast retiring for the time being, content with being close to Skye.

She's definitely the beast's mate.

The thought brings up both relief and unease. I couldn't possibly begin to understand how this would work out in the end. The beast wanted to be near Skye, but when I'm near Skye, I tend to lose control. It was contradicting and frustrating.

For the moment though, I take advantage at feeling like myself again, since it had been so long since I did... and without a moment's hesitation, I inched closer to Skye's face and pressed my lips against hers in a soft kiss.

"I'm sorry," I murmured, my mouth brushing against hers as I spoke. Skye pouted slightly before her arms wrapped around my neck and pulled me closer to her. We kissed again, slow and both yielding to the other to create the most satisfying tug of war in the kiss. I sighed as I unlinked our lips and stroke her cheek with my thumb.

"I will be more open from now on," is all I say.

"You promise?" She asks. The anger from before had dissipated completely, and was replaced with vulnerability and uncertainty. It tugged at my heart strings, seeing her that way.

"I promise".


A/N: Hmmm, these two. Fighting and making up lol What did you guys think?

Whose side did you all take during the argument? Let me know.

Anyways, I love you my earth family. Stay super awesome, as always!


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