Chapter 6: A Creature's Past.

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Dedicated to @supernaturallover88


Chapter 6: A Creature's Past

Skye's POV

As I started to come to my senses, I wondered where that lingering warmth on my cheek was coming from.

That's when I heard his voice, which was even more alluring than usual by the silvery tone attached to his every word.

"Hey, hey Skye. C'mon, you're fine," it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than trying to get me to react. I kept my eyes shut, pretending I was still unconscious just so I could listen to anything else he had to say.

"Skye... I know this is hard for you and trust me, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but this is the truth; part of what you wanted to know. It may not be pretty or ordinary or anything you could have possibly been expecting, but it's how the world really is. There is so much for you to know yet and I just hope that you can handle it. I wish I could just walk away and leave you alone to live a simpler version of life, but I can't. You could get hurt if I did. I promised your mother I would look after you and I intend to keep that promise," I could hear my heart beat's pace loud in my ears; it sounded almost like the galloping of a horse on solid concrete. Zayn stayed silent for a few moments before speaking again.

"Skye, I can hear your heart pounding in your chest, I know you're awake," he finally said. A smile could be heard in his voice.

I let out the breath I was holding and slowly opened my eyes, blinking a couple of times while they adjusted to the light.

Zayn's gorgeous face occupied all of my line of vision. I smiled awkwardly at him, "You're sort of hot. Did you know that?" it wasn't until the words slipped past my lips that I realized what they were and by then it was too late. Zayn smiled a little bit.

"Am I? Didn't notice," he said modestly, his mouth twitching at the sides in his attempt not to laugh. Then he added, "Did you hit your head when you fell?" in a more serious tone, while his hand that was holding my head inspected the back of it.

"I fainted, didn't I?" I asked, embarrassment washing over me. Zayn's eyes locked with mine and then he nodded.

"Wow, I'm such a girl," I mumbled.

Zayn chuckled softly, the sound light and dark at the same time. It brought goosebumps all across my arms.

"Hey, at least you didn't scream. Werewolves and screaming are not a good combination," that was his attempt at comforting me, but it only served as a remainder of the reason why I fainted in the first place.

"Where's Liam?" I asked hesitantly. My voice trembled at the question, as if saying his name would bring back the scary creature that would probably haunt my dreams from now on.

"He's changing back. It takes him longer than the first time because he just transformed not long ago. The whole going back and forth in such a short period of time puts quite a strain on his body; he'll be extremely exhausted after he's back to being human".

Then a memory from last night resurfaced. It was when Liam and Harry were trying to get me home and I said something about how they followed all of Zayn's orders. The memory came with a random thought.

"No wonder he laughed at my puppy joke last night!" I half shouted. Zayn laughed at my random outburst, and the sound was strangely easing to my nerves.

I stared until he noticed my eyes on him.

"What?" he asked, his lips still stretching at the side in a smile.

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