Chapter 55: Unsaid.

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Dedicated to @BriannaNicole561 :)


Chapter 55: Unsaid.

Skye's POV

I spent one second in the light before this one faded and vanished, welcoming the darkness of the night in the grove. I looked behind me and there stood the great Weeping Willow; the entrance to Winter Garden. I turned quickly to Frederick, ready to pounce on him for not giving me a heads up before he threw us into the portal. I paused on my advance when I saw him leaning against one of the trees, with eyes forced shut from the pain.

"We need to call Louis," I said as the thought came to me. He was the only person that I knew that could help us. Liam was out of the question now. The reminder was a dull ache in the back of my mind that I was choosing to ignore for the time being.

"Way ahead of ya, sweetheart".

I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of his voice. Relief washed over me once he stepped out of the shadows. His brown hair was disheveled, and his blue eyes almost glowed in the dark of the night. They were as startling as they were the night at the desert when he was running after me in wolf form. That night were I still hadn't met him. I hadn't met any of them.

"How did you-" Louis cut me off mid-sentence.

"Harry called".

I nodded. That was as good an explanation as I was going to get.

Louis' eyes shifted from me to Frederick, who hadn't said a word since we got back to this side.

"You look like shit," Louis commented matter of factly.

Frederick opened one of his eyes to look back at Louis, and a half smile formed on his lips.

"I've been tortured by a group of disruptive fey. What's your excuse?" Frederick asked.

I held back a chuckle. Louis arched an eyebrow at me and then shook his head.

"It's good to know the incident had no effect on your sense of humor," Louis said. "Now, unless you want to continue this conversation in the middle of this forest, I say we start moving and get back to the mansion. I'm supposed to be keeping an eye on Liam and that's not possible if I'm here wasting time." I noticed the change in his demeanor at the mention of Liam's name. His amused facial expressions turned into a pronounced scowl. I don't blame him. If I felt betrayed and hurt by what he did, I can't imagine how Louis must feel.

Louis tried to offer his arm to Frederick for support but Frederick quickly turned it down.

"I'm fine," he said. We all knew he wasn't, but no one said otherwise. This was about pride. Louis is an alpha; Frederick must feel like accepting help from him would somehow let his dominance be established over him.

Louis shrugged as a response, not particularly caring if his help was accepted or not, and turned to leave. Frederick drew a large breath before he pushed himself away from the tree he was supporting himself with and began following the werewolf. I followed behind him.

He tired quickly and tripped over tree roots. I had been paying close attention so I quickly held out my hand to steady him.

"Thanks," he said quietly. I smiled, and ignoring his protests, helped him walk through the ominous forest.

The drive back to Zayn's manor was quiet and uneventful. There was nothing to talk about... or better said, nothing that anyone wanted to actually talk about. So nothing was said. When we arrived, the towers that widened in the horizon, were dark and almost eerie in nature. It had only been a few days since I was last here and already the place had a different feel to it. It didn't look as safe and welcoming as when Zayn was here.

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