Chapter 58: The Lycan.

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Dedicated to @fetchingwonders :)


Chapter 58: The Lycan.

Zayn's POV

Europe, 1512 |

It's been four years since Zayn was "cured" from his Vampirism. Or as he liked to call it, "the day he was cursed to a life of emotional obscurity". He thought about the dreadful day constantly. It consumed his thoughts during the day and then haunted his dreams at night. There was never a moment of peace, all he lived with was remorse and regret. He couldn't imagine that ever changing. Not after what he had done. Not after becoming what he is. He played the scenes in his head nonstop. Being used as an experiment, him turning into a beast, then waking up to find the healer dead.

Many people died that day. The Lycan whose blood ran through his veins, had escaped before he woke up and by the time his father and him escaped the small village, there wasn't much left of the heart warming place anyways. This event added to his guilt. The only reason the creature had been there in the first place was because his father had brought it there. It was their fault that all of those people died. Like the lost lives of his own people hadn't left him tainted enough, that happened right afterwards.

Zayn sighed as he opened his eyes and was met by a piece of dark sky. He hadn't seen a star in months, something he found both disconcerting and upsetting. But tonight, he spotted one, right in his line of sight and he stared at it, unblinkingly, until his eyes filled with tears. He heard a legend about people wishing upon stars. They wished for things that would never realistically happen, but the power of the star would make them true. He tried his luck. 

"I think this only works on fallen stars, but if you're listening, there's something that I want with all of my heart. I wish... for a reason. I wish for a good reason that explains why I am alive today when so many people have died because of my mere existence."

As he finished his wish, he turned to his side and closed his eyes again, hoping that for once, he would sleep and not have to relive his past through his dreams. 


The following day, he woke up on a hill that hid the palace his father and him lived in. The place never felt like home. Nothing felt like home since his mother's death. Right now, he looked at it, hoping to see something different. When the sun pricked at his skin, it reminded him that he had responsibilities and errands to run throughout the day. He shook his head at his thoughts and went on his way to fulfill his duties.

As his father requested, he hired two servants, a cook and men to clean the stables. He instructed each of them on what their job entailed and how it needed to be done if they wanted to make his father happy. They all swore not to disappoint. He knew this was a lie, but he let them say it to him anyways. 

By the time he was done with the whole process it was already afternoon and so he went to fetch his father and tell him everything had been taken care of. He followed several corridors to his study and knocked on the door. It took several seconds for his father to grant him permission to enter, and this was strange on itself. He walked in slowly, not knowing what to expect.

The first thing that he noticed was a man seating on the chair across his father's desk. His face a mystery since he wasn't facing his way.

"I apologize, I was not aware you had company. Forgive me, father," Zayn said in a hurry, getting ready to turn and leave.

"Nonsense, son. I am glad you came just now, there is someone I want you to meet,"his father's enthusiasm did nothing to calm his nerves. But he walked several steps deeper into the room. 

At his advance, the stranger stood up from his chair and turned to face him. His clothes were ragged and dirty. His face was smeared with ashes from what Zayn could only assume was a big fire. His dark wavy hair was a mess, not being comb in probably a very long time. His eyes are what caught Zayn's attention the most. It wasn't the color that was familiar, it was the feeling he got as he looked into them. It was fear. The same fear he felt whilst looking into The Great Lycan's eyes, four years past. When the man stuck his hand out to shake, Zayn almost stumbled back.

The man smiled, wide and with full teeth.

"Hello Zayn. I've been dying to meet my blood brother for a very long time". 

Zayn's heart was galloping in his chest. The sound was distracting to his own ears. He was frozen in shock, just staring into those green eyes. The man had just confirmed his suspicions, he was the Great Lycan, the one whose blood had "cured him of his Vampirism" but turned him into a bigger monster than before.

"What is he doing here, father?" Zayn asked with a slight tremble in his voice.

His father stood up from his chair and met him where he was. 

"Now Zayn, do not be rude. Lucian is here because I asked him to come".

Lucian? The beast had a name?

 Zayn was fighting a strong urge to run out of the place. His father's matter of fact tone was not at all helping. 

"This is not possible. People who turn into Lycans can never turn human again," Zayn said in denial.

Lucian smiled before speaking. "Not the ones who turn by being bitten. I'm a Lycan from heritage. My father was one and his father before him, and so on".

Zayn gave him a look. They were all speaking like this was a normal conversation. Was he the only one that understood how mad this whole thing was?

"Why did you ask him to come?" Zayn asked his father. This one sighed and put a hand on his son's shoulder.

"This is going to be really hard to process, but I need you to trust that I had not told you because I did not want you to suffer. I came to Lucian as soon as I learned his identity because I wanted to cure you. He agreed to do it and we plotted on how he would be caught by our guards".

"Why would he ever do that?" Zayn asked, unsettled to where this was going.

His father was about to explain, but Lucian beat him to it. "Because, Zayn," he started, his voice soft, "we shared the same mother."


A/N: Hey guys! It's been a while! I'm sorry. I'm working ridiculous hours lately, and I work with computers so when I get home the last thing I want to do is get on my computer. Plus I'm always tired.I was gonna update on Sunday but someone demanded I "update" and you guys know how much I hate that, and it kind of killed my writing mood and didn't finished the chapter until today. I know it was uneventful. But most of you are confused about Lucian and Zayn's relation so I had to write it. Next chapter we're going back to what's going on with Skye and Liam so, probably more interesting, I hope :)

Hope you're doing great, my lovely earth family. Stay awesome.


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