Chapter 39: The Search For a Cure.

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Dedicated to @tamar_love


Chapter 39: The Search For a Cure.

Zayn's POV

"Werewolves were spotted in Willow Grove last night. They were trying to find her, I'm sure of it," I said anxiously. 

Louis looked taken aback. "That doesn't make any sense. You and I were the only ones that knew where she was being taken. I mean, aside from Frederick and Harry, but they're with her right now so..." he left the sentence hanging.

"I know. There's something else going on," I said. 

Louis was quiet for a moment, "Do you think-" he didn't finish the question as he glanced around the library. I nodded. The werewolf that attacked Skye the other night in here, gave us the impression that he was here to kill her. He could have done it, but he wasn't here for that particular reason. He was probably here to plant a bug. The enemy has known what we were up to and every move we've made for days. Even with Pakinam spying in their midst, we were still a step behind. 

"Fuck," Louis swore. I gave him a pointed look. 

"Get Liam and both of you, find it. Search the whole damn place if you have to. Oh and tell Niall we're going out," I announced.

"Where are you two going?" he asked, confused. I put a finger to my ear, reminding him the walls have ears. He nodded solemnly. 

"Alright then, I guess you'll tell me when you get back. I'll give you a call when I have found what you requested". I gave him a sharp nod as I put on my leather jacket. Today I wasn't out for blood, but there was a possibility that I would stumble across it anyways. 

As I tried to walk past Louis, he stopped me with a hand on my arm, "They may know where she is, but they can't get to her. She's still safe". He was trying to comfort me. Little did he know that I wouldn't be able to find any kind of comfort until she was here with me again. But I knew he meant well, so I gave him what I hoped was an unconcerned smile, and I walked out through the doors. 


Usually, during the day, Niall's eyes look bluer than the sky over our heads. Not today. His eyes were a dark navy blue, almost black. He hasn't fed. 

"How long has it been?" I question, as I maneuvered the steering wheel to the left to take a turn. 

Niall hesitated before replying, "About a day and a half," he confessed. I frowned at that.

"You never go so long without feeding," I say, scowling. Niall sighs.

"We've been busy, haven't we?" he pointed out with a little bit of an attitude. I gave him a look and his eyes darted away, ashamed.

"Sorry. I'm just hungry," he said quietly. 

"You and me both, buddy," I said, taking a deep breath.

Niall's eyes were on me again. I didn't have to look at him to know, I could feel them studying me. 

"I thought you didn't feed on blood anymore," he said cautiously. 

"I don't. That was the whole purpose of my father combining my blood with Lycan one, because when I originally got the vampire disease, I refused to feed and he knew one day I would die of starvation".

"He did it so you could continue living without needing the blood, that's smart".

"Yeah, smart. Except that he created something even worse," I mumbled. 

"So when you get hungry, what do you need?" Niall asked.

"Blood... death... destruction... I have to satisfy both monsters," I explained reluctantly.

"That doesn't sound good," he said slowly.

"It's not. It hardly ever happens. Usually keeping one happy does the trick. The Lycan part has been dormant for the most part... but lately, it wants out. I'm losing control, Niall. I need to get rid of the curse. I need a cure. Otherwise, a lot of people will get hurt," I said carefully. 

"You've been alive for a very long time, Zayn. Wouldn't you have found a cure if there was one?" he asked.

"I would have if I hadn't been so set on the idea that there was no hope for me. And maybe there isn't. Maybe this is all I'm ever going to be. But I have to try. I can't just let this thing take over".

"Why do you think it's acting up now?"

"It's Skye. I think- I've got a theory," I said. I knew I had Niall's undivided attention now, "Well, what is it?" he asked, when I didn't explain right away. 

"I think... I think, the Lycan part is convinced that she is our-my-its mate," something in my chest lightened as soon as I got that out. It felt good saying it outloud to somebody else, because even though it sounded crazy, it was logical in lycanthropy folklore. 

Niall was quiet for a second, his expression thoughtful.

"So what, is it trying to impress her by trying to kill her and everybody else in his path?" he asked, half jokingly.

"Yes, that's exactly what it's doing" I said, without humor. Niall's smile wavered and then disappeared.

"That's definitely not good". 

"Tell me about it".

"It doesn't make any sense, wouldn't he want to protect her instead? Isn't that part of being mates?"

"It would be, if I was just Lycan, which I'm not. If Skye really is my-its- mate, it is just for the Lycan part. The Vampire side doesn't and can't feel it the same way, and me being both, it's messing with the whole nature of things".

Silence stretched between us, as I took another turn, this time to the right. I knew Niall was about to speak because he took a huge breath, as if bracing himself. I waited patiently for him to speak his thoughts aloud. I was expecting something about how maybe I should stay away from everyone, especially Skye, but was surprised when instead he said, "Don't worry, Zayn. If there's a cure, we'll find it. You are not going to hurt Skye".

I really hoped he was right. 


A/N: Short shitty update because someone here pissed me off. Patience is a fucking virtue. That's all I'm going to say.

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