Chapter 14: New Abilities.

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Dedicated to @legallystyles


Chapter 14: New Abilities.

Skye's POV

"What did you just say?" my voice was a strangled sound coming from my mouth as my own eyes held his golden irises. I noted not for the first time, that once our gazes locked, everything else fell away.

"Your mother was a powerful earth warden, Skye. You are too," concern was etched both on the lines around his lips and the ones around his eyes as he continued to stare into mine.

For the second time that day, I felt something snap.

"You should've told me!" I shouted, "You should've told me the night when you told me I was a psion!".

"I didn't know how much you'd be able to handle and you didn't even want to believe about your psion abilities, so I was afraid telling you about being an earth warden would be too much..." like it obviously was, judging by your current reaction. But he didn't add this part, even though you could tell he was thinking it.

"You have no right to decide what I can or can't handle! You keep doing that, pretending it's for my own good but I'm starting to think that you just enjoy holding this information back for whenever you need it and then you expect me to trust that you're doing this for my own good? I'm sorry but I'm having trouble believing that at the moment," I was so furious that most of what I said came out in a jumble of words, but I know he understood what I was saying.

"Skye, please just-" he started, but I was going to have none of it.

"No, Skye nothing. Don't you dare ask me to calm down. I have every reason to be upset and you are not going to soothe my anger with comforting words and that fake-ass concerned expression you always wear when you're around me. I'm not gonna break just because my whole life has been a lie. I just want to know the truth, all of it. I'm done being patient, waiting for you to keep giving me bits and pieces of the whole picture. I want to know absolutely everything and you are going to tell me everything I want to know right now". Zayn's agonized expression made me add one more thing, "Or I'm going to turn around and leave this place and you can be sure as hell that I won't be coming back".

A long moment of silence stretched by while Zayn's eyes registered how serious I was. Then he sighed and pushed a hand through his black hair, his gaze leaving mine and looking at the three men who I had completely forgotten were still there. I looked at them too then and saw how worried they looked, even Frederick's face was missing his signature smirk.

"I'll take it from here. You guys can go ahead and take a break, you can continue with her training later today," said Zayn.

Realizing they had been dismissed, all three of them slowly turned to leave, but I didn't make sure they did, my eyes were on Zayn once again and probably feeling the strength of my stare, his eyes returned to mine.

"I'm quite ready to hear what you have to say," I said not very gently. Zayn's mouth was set in a grim line but there was something in his expression, recognition and respect. Or maybe it was all in my head.

"Okay, Skye. If this is what you want. But first, I have to show you something, c'mon," and without waiting for my response, he took off in a sprint towards the "magical forest", as I call it.

Realizing that he wouldn't stop to make sure I followed, I was left with catching up to him. So I ran. I ran to catch up to him and in the process I jumped over tree roots in my path so I wouldn't trip.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins, pushing me to go faster. My senses were in overdrive. I ducked to avoid hitting a tree branch that hung low as my eyes followed Zayn's black shirt ahead. Strangely enough though, no matter how hard I pushed, I couldn't quite catch up to him. I wasn't an Olympic athlete, not even close, but I've always made sure to keep myself in good shape. Even with that advantage, after a few minutes of running, exhaustion started to slow my pace down. But Zayn's speed and agility never wavered, perks of whatever supernatural abilities he possessed, at least that's what I assumed.

After what seemed to be a mile of running, I had to stop. My breathing was hard. My lungs were clenching painfully below my ribs at the effort it was taking them to produce oxygen for my body. I knelt down on the dirt to regain my composure.

"I was wondering how far we would have to go before you stopped".

It was Zayn.

I didn't bother looking up at his unnaturally gorgeous face. I could clearly tell by the sound of his voice that he was amused.

"Fuck," the word sounded breathless and without strength.

"What exactly was the purpose of this?" I asked in between breaths.

I looked up, finally, and saw Zayn extending his hand out to me. Hesitantly, I reached for it. He pulled me up effortlessly with only one hand. I let go of his hand only to grab for his arm. My legs were shaky from exhaustion. Ignoring my protests for help, he snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I told myself that the sudden racing of my heart was purely the result of the running.

"The reason I made you run after me, was this," he helped me walk a few steps to a big oak tree that was in front of us. It stood big, old and strong. Its leaves were a dark green, turning brown with the season.

"To see this tree?" I asked confused, still taking slow breaths.

Zayn made an impatient noise with his throat before taking my cold hand with his warm one.

"Close your eyes," he demanded. I was too tired to argue, so I did as I was told and closed my eyes.

I felt his hand guiding my own forward, until my digits grazed the rough texture of the tree trunk. A surge of electricity rushed through my fingertips as soon as I made contact and I pulled my hand back in surprise, opening my eyes in the process.

"What-" my mouth was agape, I knew, but I didn't make an effort to close it.

Zayn was smiling.

"You felt it, didn't you?" his voice was laced with excitement. I wasn't exactly sure what had happened.

"What was that?" I asked, my voice soft.

"Earth energy. You're exhausted enough that you can actually feel it when making contact with the tree. You can recharge with it. It's one of the abilities of Earth Wardens," he explained.

I stared at him for a second before glancing at the tree that stood there, motionless, inanimate. I took a deep breath and reached my hand forward to touch it. This time I didn't pull away when I felt the rushing energy. I closed my eyes while it coursed through me. It was like having its own life seeping into me...

"Oh my god," I said, stepping back again. "Am I killing it?" I asked in horror.

Zayn chuckled at my alarm.

"No," he said calmly, "It's earth energy. You're borrowing it. When you use it, it seeps back into the earth and then into trees again. It's a never ending cycle".

I stood there in awe. That is so cool. I am connected to the earth and trees and...

"How do you know this?" I asked suddenly.

Zayn sighed. Something that he was starting to do frequently around me.

"Your mother taught me, so that one day I could teach you..." his voice was barely a whisper, soft as the blowing wind.

I looked up at him now, his eyes the color of liquid honey. He was looking at my own viridian colored ones.

"Okay," I said simply, "will you tell me everything now?" I asked slowly, suddenly aware that we were alone in this forest, a mile or so away from anyone else.

"Anything you want to know about yourself," he stressed the yourself, meaning he wouldn't tell me anything about him. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. I can live with that," I mumbled.

Zayn's smile lit up his whole face at that, and my slowing heart rate suddenly sped up again.


A/N: Two updates in two days, how awesome am I??? Lol

I might not be able to update in a while though, that's why I did it. I'm going to be very busy in the next week and a half. So you guys will have to bear with me. Anyways, any thoughts? Let me know :)

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