Chapter 10: The Meeting.

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Dedicated to @actuallysteph_


Chapter 10: The Meeting.

Skye's POV

As soon as Zayn was gone, Niall, with mouth set in a grim line, ushered me deeper into the meeting room and away from the blue-eyed, strangely amused, Frederick. I let him guide me through the sea of people.

The people in question came in all shapes and sizes... and species, though I wasn't entirely sure until Niall whispered their origins in my ear "The blonde woman in the red dress is a vampire. The short brunette across her is a very powerful warlock. Behind him, the pale girl that looks about 12 is Fey, and no, she's not 12. She's a lot older than that," Niall was talking really fast and his whispered words were barely audible, almost as if he were afraid that someone would hear him. Though with a room full of mythical creatures, that was more than likely to happen.

But then something he said dawned on me. I scooted closer to him and talked in his ear. He wrapped his arm around my waist to put up the appearance that we were lovers and we were sharing an intimate secret.

"Did you say Fey, as in fairy?" I found myself asking. His touch on my back was cool, and I felt an involuntary shiver ran up my spine. Though I'm sure he noticed, he didn't point it out. Instead he answered my question while plastering a fake smile on his lips, "Yes, but never call them that to their face, they hate it," he paused for a moment before adding something else, "The best advice I could ever give you is, don't piss of a Fey, or you won't make it to live the next day". This time when I shivered, Niall patted my back in what I guess was supposed to be a comforting gesture, but it did nothing to soothe the fear that was taking root in my head.

I was stuck in a room full of creatures that could possibly eat me for dinner if they so desired, and all that was standing between them and me was what? A fake blond Irishman with an attitude? My odds weren't very favorable.

As soon as the thought crossed my head, a chuckle erupted from Niall's mouth. Too paranoid to think it was a coincidence, I glanced sideways at him and found his bright blue eyes already watching me, an amused smile on his lips. I don't know how I knew he had read my thoughts, but I was sure he did.

"You jerk! Were you in my head?!" I snapped quietly. This earned me another chuckle from my fair skinned companion, who didn't deny or assert my accusation. Unfortunately, I didn't get to grill him with questions about how he was doing it because Liam appeared from our left and greeted Niall with a nod and me with a smile. During that momentary distraction, Niall wasted no time, as soon as Liam was standing beside me, he said he had to leave and that's exactly what he did. I lost his blond head in the crowd faster than I could say 'wait'.

I groaned in frustration, something that didn't go unnoticed by Liam, who gave me a questioning look.

"I was going to ask him something," I mumbled, only loud enough for Liam to hear me over the talking that was simultaneously happening all around the room. Liam put his large hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sure you can ask him later. The meeting is about to start and Niall is part of the council," Liam explained this briefly and even though I was surprised at this bit of information, I had too many questions that needed answers.

"Zayn explained that the council has 10 members; the most powerful of each specie in the state" I said. Liam nodded at this in assent.

"Yes, that's correct. There's the head of council, plus the other 9 members, which happen to be the leaders of their respective species," he explained. I took advantage that for the first time I was getting real answers to my questions and continued to ask Liam about the whole thing.

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