Chapter 9: Lesson Number Two.

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Dedicated to @1Dfanwhoseaguy


Chapter 9: Lesson Number Two.

Skye's POV

Once the door was open, what was behind it was nowhere near what I had been expecting.

A short man, probably less than 4 feet in height, with light brown hair, brown eyes and dark toned skin, was staring back at me while he stood in the entrance of the meeting room. After a minute stretched by, he glanced beside me at Zayn and with his face still in a scowl, he moved to the side to let us through.

The half-sized man glanced me over distastefully while I stepped inside and I tried to push away the feeling of inadequacy that was trying to come to life in my mind.

"Hi, I'm Skye," I offered my hand to shake in courtesy, but his permanent scowl was all I received in response. Zayn gave me a look, that I had no clue what it meant, before he placed his warm hand at the small of my back, and guided me away from the rude... person. For the lack of a better word.

It wasn't until we walked deeper in the room (which looked more like a chamber, might I add), that Zayn's breath tickled my ear as he talked.

"That was Morgrim, don't mind him. He's always in a foul mood".

I arched an eyebrow at Zayn and stepped closer to speak at his ear, "He was rude".

To this, Zayn smiled, his face painted with amusement, "Lesson number two, Mrs. Noelle," he paused for dramatic effect, before whispering the rest, "dwarfs are always rude".

I stared him down, waiting for the punchline, but apparently, that was it. My eyes widened as I glanced back at Morgrim... the dwarf. I found him still looking at me, his face equally annoyed as before.

"I didn't think I could be surprised after Liam... but I was wrong. He's seriously a dwarf? Weren't they supposed to be polite and friendly?" the question left my mouth as both Zayn and I stood in front of each other.

"No, those would be elves. Dwarfs are rude and ill-tempered. You would think werewolves would be the unfriendliest creatures, being moon-cursed and all that, but no, dwarfs have owned that title for as long as I can remember," Zayn's matter of fact tone made my head spin. This was too much information, and the night was just beginning. I doubt my own capability of being able to handle too much supernatural information. Something in my expression must have hinted at my mental turmoil, because Zayn sobered up and put both of his hands on my shoulders as he looked down at me.

"Breathe, Skye. Just breathe. This is just scratching the surface. It's only going to get worse and I need you to be able to handle it". I took slow breaths while he talked and then looked up too meet his golden rimmed eyes.

"But why? Why do I have to learn all of this? What if I don't want to?" I hated the whiny tone of my voice, but thankfully Zayn thought nothing of it.

"I'm sorry, Skye. Unfortunately, you don't really have that choice. The supernatural community has known of your existence for years, but as a special request it was decided by the council that you would be brought into our world only after you had come of age," he explained.

That's when it all fell into place.

"And I turned 21 a few weeks ago," I finished for him. Zayn hesitated before nodding in agreement.

"Well that explains that... so tonight they decide who will be my babysitter, right?" I couldn't keep the bitterness out of my voice. Zayn let out a long sigh as he pushed a hand through his coal black hair.

"I know you're upset. I would be too if I were in your position. But this will be a lot easier if you cooperate. You don't need a babysitter. You need someone to teach you our ways, our laws and everything you'll need to survive. We're living in dangerous times, as Lucian stated earlier. Unfortunately, psions are both highly regarded and actively hunted down in the supernatural community. You cannot be left unprotected, ever. As of now, only the council knows about your existence, but word travels fast and it won't be long until enemies of the council hear about you. They will want to kill you. Having a psion, is an advantage. No one wants their enemies to have advantages," Zayn's words explained more than I'm sure he meant to explain.

"I don't want to be part of this war, Zayn. I didn't ask for this supposed 'gift'. I want nothing to do with any of this," my voice was rising along with my frustration.

Zayn kept his calm, unlike me.

"I already told you that you don't have a choice. You can either choose a side and hope that you chose the right one, or you can go back to your old life, knowing that you will never be safe. You'll have to be watching your back all the time, because it's not a question of if they come for you, it's a matter of when they come for you. And we both know you can take care of yourself from many things, but you won't be a match for whatever creature they send to kill you. Not untrained as you are now, anyways" .

I was ready to argue further more when someone bumped into me, forcing me to lose my balance.

As Zayn steadied me, the blonde Irishman, Niall, came out of nowhere and pushed the clumsy stranger against a wall with an incredible amount of strength and speed. I didn't even knew he was around, but I did hear the loud thud when the stranger's head hit the wall. I gasped in shock.

Niall's back was towards me whilst he pressed his forearm against the stranger's neck, but I could still hear what he was telling him.

"Why are you such a fucking asshole, Frederick? Was it really necessary to bump into her? The head of council was very specific about being in our best behavior tonight. I am not going to let you undermine his authority. Now apologize to the pretty lady," his accent made him sound more menacing even if his tone was light.

"Aren't you an obedient little soldier?" the stranger, Frederick, had no foreign accent, so I guess he was from this part of the world. Niall didn't take the bait. Frederick probably realizing that his taunt was unsuccessful, poked his head to the side, not moving his body because Niall was still holding him in place against the wall. I finally saw his face, which was currently wearing a smirk.

He owned fair skin. His light brown hair wasn't short or long, just a right intermediate. His eyes were a blueish green that reminded me of the clear beaches I visited during my vacation to The Bahamas a few years back. He was built in lean muscle, that were pronounced by the tight blue navy shirt that hugged close to every curve of his arms. He was attractive, I'll give him that. But his eyes shone with malice.

"I'm sorry," his words were more mocking than honest as he apologized to me. Niall pretended he heard honesty in his words and finally let go of him, leaving behind with his rough treatment, wrinkles and stretched material, on Frederick's shirt.

Zayn who hadn't spoken a word during the whole exchange, finally turned to me, "I have to go. The meeting is about to start. Niall will keep you company for a little while, then Liam will replace him. Stay calm, we are here to protect you. I won't let anyone cause you any harm, okay?" his voice rung with honesty and conviction. I nodded my understanding.

He gave me a reassuring smile before disappearing in the sea of people


A/N: I'm so freaking excited about reaching 4,000 reads on this story. You guys are awesome, thanks for reading! <3

PS. Frederick is played by Colton Haynes a.k.a Jackson on Teen Wolf, or Roy on Arrow :D

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