Chapter 5: Shocking Discoveries.

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Dedicated to @monica090909


Chapter 5: Shocking Discoveries

Zayn's POV

I fell on my black leather couch heavily from exhaustion, the piece of furniture squeaking under my weight. I closed my eyes and rested my head back on a cushion.

"How did you manage to get out of there without giving her any answers?" Harry asked with something close to amazement in his voice.

I sighed.

"With a promise to go back tonight and tell her everything she needs to know," I replied noncommittally.

"But you're not going to tell her everything, right? I don't think she's ready for all of this. Her whole life will change once she knows what's really going on." Liam spoke out loud what I knew the rest of the guys were thinking.

"I never said I would tell her everything. I said I would tell her everything she needs to know," I clarified.

I opened my eyes to see approval in all of my friends' faces, the gesture eased a bit of the weight I felt I was carrying on my shoulders.

"You're clever, I'll give you that. But even though I don't think she's ready to know everything, I feel like time is running out and we don't have enough left to ease her carefully into our world. We'll have to explain everything sooner rather than later or it might be too late," Louis reasoned.

And just like that, the weight was back on my shoulders.

I nodded in acknowledgement at his argument, letting him know that I heard him and took what he said into consideration.

"You're right, mate. Time is running out. But I think I'm more worried at how advanced her abilities are. She actually read my thoughts, without even trying! And trust me, my wall defenses were definitely up. I didn't let my guard down for a second." I voiced my concern just to see it mirrored across their faces. We weren't expecting Skye's power to be so developed, which means it's a good thing that she doesn't control it or we wouldn't be able to hide anything from her.

"I think that's an even better reason to tell her as much as you can, before she realizes that if she focuses more, she can read in your mind everything that she wants to know," Harry said.

I let out another sigh.

"Alright. I'll talk to her tonight. One of you will have to come with me. We'll have to show her something or she won't believe a word I say. I can't tell her about me yet, that needs to wait. Anyone wants to volunteer?" I asked.

A piercing silence stretched in the room and I rolled my eyes.

"Harry?" I questioned. He usually was all in for anything.

"I don't know... I don't think I want her to know about me yet. It might scare her," he shrugged his shoulders slowly, his eyes evading mine purposely. I frowned at this.

"Dude, you saw how she reacted to us telling her about being a psion. Everything we tell her will scare her," Niall finally spoke up, his thick accent lacing every syllable.

"Then why don't you volunteer?" Harry asked him in return.

Niall shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Because I would prefer not being at arms length away from someone who can read my mind. There are things that I want to keep secret," his words stumbled awkwardly out of his mouth. I tried not to think about those secrets that he wanted to keep unveiled and if I should worry about them.

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