Chapter 37: The Hybrid [Part 2]

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Dedicated to @sweetiipie21


Chapter 37: The Hybrid [Part 2]

Zayn's POV

| Europe, 1508 |

He thought they were nightmares. For a while he believed they were. He preferred that optimistic lie to the terrible truth. He refused to believe that this was to be his reality.

A few hours after he was supposedly cured, the fever hit him. Gradually at first, but then it took him hostage, hitting him full force with its power. He was burning up, or at least, that's what the voices around him kept saying. He was too delirious to know what was going on, but he could hear the sound of frantic footsteps in the vicinity.

In the midst of his changing body temperatures that went from cold to hot and back to cold, he heard the voice of his father.

"What is happening to him? What is wrong with my son?" there was concern in his voice. More concern than Zayn had ever heard coming from him. His father was a ruthless man. It was the only side that he showed to anyone, including his own son. If Zayn were completely conscious, he would have taken quite the enjoyment in seeing the look on his face.

His thoughts were interrupted by the doctor's voice, "The Lycan fever is trying to override the vampire disease. Zayn's body is fighting the change". It took him a long moment to realize that the doctor was answering his father's questions and that they were actually talking about him.

He wanted to know if he was going to turn into a Lycan. His father said this would cure him of the vampire disease, but as it happens every single time that he has trusted his father, he has been left disappointed.

Suddenly the smell of some sort of herbs hits his nostrils, and he felt his mind dozing off until he was dragged into unconsciousness.

His throat was on fire and so was his stomach. It was hunger, caused by the vampire disease, at least that's what he thought.

Opening his eyes, everything was red. The world around him was blood red. He wondered if something was wrong with his eye sight. Maybe the Lycan fever combined with the vampire disease had side effects, and he had developed a strange eye condition.

He sat up, but his body movements were slow and uncomfortable. He felt heavier, as if something was pressing against him, trying to prevent him from moving. There was, he was being restrained against a bed. He moved forward, and the ropes gave without much effort. He thought it odd, for if someone had wanted him to stay there, they should have tied him down securely.

A distorted noise caught his attention, and he slowly turned to his right, where his father's friend, the healer, was holding his hands up. His mouth was moving as he spoke, but the sound that came out made no sense to Zayn. It was as if he was speaking a language that Zayn could not understand. Something foreign.

Confused, Zayn took a step towards him. The healer took a step back, his eyes widening with fear.

"What is wrong?" Zayn tried to ask, but a growl replaced the words that he was trying to speak. He looked around him, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. It took another look at the healer, who was still cowering away from him, to realize that the sound came from him.

Zayn glanced down at his hands, instead, he found enormous paws in their place. Long thick claws protruded from them. They all looked like carefully carved weapons, perfect for murder.

Alarmed, Zayn takes a step back, trying to put distance between him and the healer. This one seemed even more afraid when he tried to do that and screamed. Zayn put his hands up to try to motion him to calm down, but his paws came into view and most have indicated to the healer that he was under some kind of threat, so he grabbed for a vase, and threw it at Zayn. It wasn't till it broke against his head, that Zayn realized that it contained oil. Zayn quickly glanced at the fearful man and just like he had suspected, he was reaching for something to light afire to throw it at him.

Realizing that he was in danger, Zayn tried to retreat back, but in his hurry knocked over the healer bed he had been poorly restrained too and the utensils that had been laying on a table beside it. The commotion caught the healer's attention and his desperate gaze found Zayn's. He tried to apologize, or say something,anything really, but every time he tried to speak, howls and growls were all that came out. Zayn realized then that communication was pointless. He needed to get out of the room, but he couldn't seem to find a way out. Making a better inspection of his surroundings and the walls that had him trapped there, he noticed how they were made of rock, as if he were in a tomb of some sort.

When he saw that the healer had found a rag and had lit it up enough that a small flame was growing rapidly, he panicked and turned to claw at the walls. Rubble and chunks of rocks fell off, but nothing sufficient to get him out happened. He could hear his monstrous howls as he hopelessly tried to escape his fate.

When heat spread on his back, he knew it was too late. Pain seared through him, burning through fur and flesh. He turned quickly, the healer was standing there, with his fiery weapon in hand. Suddenly Zayn's vision obscured, hatred towards the now little and insignificant man burned inside of him as his fire burned through him. His scarlet vision darkened until there was nothing left to see, and then, Zayn was gone.

Zayn felt the world start to brighten around him, colors painting his surroundings as they should be. Confused and slightly afraid, he looked at his hands, expecting paws and claws to be in their place, but his hands were there. He had no time to feel relieved, for they were tainted in crimson blood. His heart was galloping inside his chest, for he was fairly certain that his dream had not been a dream.

"Son, we need to be on our way," he heard his father's voice from across the room.

"Father, what happened?" he asked. His throat was raw and speaking hurt.

His father's gaze avoided his, "Nothing that cannot be fixed," was his response. Then he walked towards Zayn and helped him stand up. Zayn's legs felt weak, as if they couldn't support his own weight. He felt in a daze. A putrid smell hit him as soon as he was up, and a look around the room froze him with horror.

Blood was splattered on the rocky walls, limbs were scattered all about. He didn't have to ask who the person was, he knew. Just as he knew who did it.

"Father," he tried to speak, but a fit of nausea forced him to double over and throw up whatever was left in his stomach.

Once he was finished, he looked up at his progenitor, waiting for the disgust and repulsion in his eyes, but he found none.

"Come on, son. Let us be long gone when the people of this town discover what has happened here".

"But father, I killed him. I am a murderer," Zayn argued.

"You did not touch that man, the beast did. They cannot prove that you two are one," he responded.

Zayn looked around again and shook his head, "But we are, father. We are two inside one body".

Instead of contradicting him, Zayn's father looked away. "Let us continue our journey. We will find a cure".

Zayn said nothing as he walked behind his father. But he knew that there was no such thing as a cure for the cure. He was what he was, and there was no coming back from that now. He was a freak of nature, something never seen before. He was a new kind of monster, one that children would be warned against every night before going to bed. He was the type of creature they would have nightmares about. He was part vampire and part Lycan. He was... the first of his kind. A hybrid.


A/N: It wasn't until I finished writing the chapter that I realized that I wrote it in third person instead of first person, but I was too lazy to correct it and I felt like it somehow fitted the content since it was in the past. Did you guys like it this way or nah? Don't worry, it will be back to first person the next chapter, but I still want to know how you all feel about this one so when I write other chapters from their pasts, I can maybe use this format?

For the ones who don't know, English is not my first language, so if you see me making some kind of mistake like using the wrong term for something, just tell me about it (nicely and politely), I'll fix it. I'm not perfect and neither is my writing so...

Today's question, "What languages do you speak or know?" I know Spanish and English :)

Stay Awesome,


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