Chapter 7: Lucian.

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Dedicated to @xTeenageQueenxx


Chapter 7: Lucian

Skye's POV

It happened in a matter of seconds. One moment I was asking Louis what he meant by "war is coming" and the next, Zayn is bursting through the rusty old doors of the old abandoned building, his face devoid of any emotion. The blank expression brought chills to my skin.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He gave me a strange look, one that I was sure meant he was surprised that I had figured out that something was wrong even if he had purposely tried to hide it from me. I noted how Liam pushed himself up on his feet and we all waited for Zayn to tell us what was going on.

When he finally spoke, it only served to confuse me even more.

"They're coming," he said. His face was still unreadable, and I suddenly felt cold.

"Who is 'they'?" I managed to ask. Zayn looked at me again, his eyes softening as he noted the fear in my eyes.

"I'll explain later. Right now we need to get you out of here. Louis, would you please?" Zayn turned his gaze to Louis, who was nodding in response already.

"No. I'm not going anywhere with him. Let me go with Liam," I demanded. Zayn arched an eyebrow at this before looking at Liam. He gave a slight nod to accept and Zayn glanced back at me, his mouth quirking up at the side, forming a very amused yet attractive smirk.

"Alright, you can go with Liam," he said. His smiled vanished quickly after that, Niall entering through the opened doors. When did he even get here?

"Too late, mate. They're here. If we try to rush her out of here they'll know something is up and send more people," Niall talked quickly, the words stumbling out in a single breath, his accent thickening along with his rising concern.

"Damn it," Zayn cursed, "Fine, let's try to talk to them. If this meeting goes south, I need you to take her to the Club," this he directed at Liam who assented without a word.

The loud roaring of various engines echoed and shook through the old structure. Zayn walked out into the night, following the direction of the the noise, Louis and Niall trailing behind him. I hesitated in following them, but Liam put a hand on my shoulder, nudging me forward, so I did.

As soon as I walked out of the building, I was blinded by the artificial brilliance radiated by the vehicles' headlights. I put a hand in front of my eyes to make the effect less disorienting.

Three figures stepped out of the two dark cars and walked towards our group. Two of the three I could recognize, the Woods' twins. They both wore permanent scowls. The other man, I didn't recognize, but he was plainly put, gorgeous. He had fair skin, a pair of eyes in a strange tone of green, darker than Harry's. His hair was brown and in soft waves on his head. He didn't even bother looking at the guys, he fixed his gaze on me.

"Good evening, ma'am. I don't believe we've met," his exotic accent laced around each word as he quickly stepped forward to offer me his hand. I glanced at Zayn who nodded, letting me know I should shake this man's hand; so I did.

"Skye," I said. He smiled slowly, showing his pearly white teeth.

"I'm Lucian," he replied, still smiling. I found it very easy to smile back.

"Is that Spanish?" I asked, referring myself to his name. He shook his head slightly.

"Latin, actually. It means light," he explained. I nodded in response.

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