Chapter 4: Untimely Complications.

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Dedicated to @meIodies


Chapter 4: Untimely Complications

Skye's POV

This was all madness. There is no way I'm psychic... or psion or whatever the hell they wanted to call it. Clearly they were all intoxicated or high on the same fucking trip because this whole thing was beyond ridiculous!

"I can tell by the look on your face that you still think we're pulling your leg or something... we're not," Zayn spoke up.

I had been seating on the same cushioned chair on Somber's personal office for about half an hour now. I hadn't made anymore efforts in trying to argue with the five men in the room because I knew it was pointless; they were set on making me believe that I had some type of super power or something. I was also avoiding looking at all of them. Not just because they were so attractive that it felt wrong that I wasn't looking at them through a page in a fashion modeling magazine, but because their unnerving and amused gazes were becoming irritating at this point and I feared I would slap, or punch some common sense into each and every single one of them.

I took a deep breath.

"Alright, let's go back to that possible alternate world of yours. If you all knew my mother and knew of my existence and about my 'special ability' why did you take so long to reach out to me? Why now?" I questioned to no one in particular.

Harry spoke up.

"Because you needed us now, love," he said.

I felt like barking at him to stop calling me 'love' because it was getting annoying, but I bit my tongue and kept my mind on the subject.

Instead, I snapped "What made you think that I need you? I don't need anyone, especially not any of you".

"I beg to differ," Louis stated nonchalantly.

I tried not to glare, but the not so hidden irritation went unnoticed because a loud bang was heard from outside of the closed door. Screams and frantic yelling followed. The men in the room froze for a split second as if listening for signs of what was going on out in the club. When that didn't work, they all moved towards the door to go outside and find out what was happening. Zayn told me to stay seated, but God knows I'm not going to take any orders from him, so I followed behind Liam, who was the last one to quickly walk out of the office.

Jogging to catch up to their longer strides, I was the last one to witness what had interrupted our maddening strange conversation. The whole club was in turmoil.

People were running around in panic, trying to reach the nearest exit. Their screaming hinted to their desperation and fear. I frowned in confusion at the chaotic situation unraveling before me.

It wasn't until enough people had cleared out, that I noticed what probably set in motion the whole thing. There, in the middle of the dance floor, laid a motionless body. It was a man, that much I could tell, but that's as far as my observations went, I was at too far a distance to see anything else.

"What on earth?" I murmured. I thought I had been quiet enough in saying it, but Liam apparently heard me and looked behind him at me, giving me a disapproving look. His eyes said that I shouldn't be here, I should've stayed in the office. Seeing what I was seeing, made me think that it would've been smart if I had listened to Zayn and had stayed put. But, it was too late for that now.

Then my eyes caught something else. There were two men standing a few feet away from the body. They looked exactly the same, brown hair, tanned skin, pearly white smile, and built in muscles. They looked like as if they were the same person, except for the fact that one was wearing a leather jacket and the other one wore a ripped jeans jacket. Their stances represented a challenge. Realization hit me a second after; they were twins! Jeez, dumb moment.

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