Chapter 62: Plans in Motion.

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Dedicated to @Amberdm :)


Chapter 62: Plans in Motion.

Skye's POV

With Frederick's departure, I was left with a sudden loneliness inside my chest. I knew I would see him again. I just didn't know when or how long it would be until then. It was sad to contemplate. Regardless of his absence, the show had to go on. There were a lot of things that needed to be discussed, and many things that we had to prepare for. So after taking a minute to push my concerns to the back of my mind, I followed the stairs down to the living room, where Zayn, Harry, Louis, and to my surprise, Lucian, were deep in conversation. As soon as they saw me, their chatter died down and silence spread out through the room. I took the spot between Harry and Zayn.

"What's up?" I asked, when no one said anything.

Harry was the one to speak first, "Are you alright?" his eyes were gentle and for the millionth time since I met him, I wondered how could anyone hate him. If they knew him, like I did, they couldn't. Even if they tried.

I focused on his question and realized he was asking if I was okay with Frederick leaving. I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm alright".

Harry smiled softly, "It won't be half as fun without him around".

I silently agreed as I looked away from his green eyes and followed the faces of everyone around until my eyes landed on the other person watching me: Lucian.

"It's been too long, Skye" he says, as soon as our eyes meet.

I try to smile, but I find that I can't manage it.

"Yeah. Can I ask why you're here?" it was strange that he was with us, when I knew that Zayn didn't trust him. He never said so, but the time I first met Lucian, I noted that there was some type of hidden rivalry between them.

Lucian's mouth formed a wide smile as he opened it to speak. But Zayn at my side, interrupted him.

"He was responsible for Harry and I being released quicker. We owe him one," there was little to no emotion behind Zayn's voice and this urged me to look at him. He was looking at Lucian, but from my place beside him, I could still see part of his left eye. It was glowing an alarming tone of red. He was still not in control.

"Zayn," I spoke gently. His eyes moved slowly towards mine.

"I'm fine. The twins are on their way back, they think they found someone who can help me". It's as if he had read the concern in my gaze. But at the piece of news he shared, I felt a little more at ease.

"So what's the game plan?" Louis voice was uncharacteristically unexcited. I'm sure everyone noticed, but no one commented on it.

"I got the Queen to join our side at the war, though I'm sure she'll take any opportunity she gets to punish me for disrespecting her in her own territory. I'm ready to face those consequences. Which means that while we're fighting the enemy, I'm gonna have to watch my back from her too". Zayn's words caught me by surprise, there was something about the way he was talking, the things he was saying. He was calculating and cold. This Zayn standing by my side was a different Zayn from the one who confessed his guilt at my parents death. This Zayn was the one who murdered Frederick's brother at cold blood while making his little brother watch. A shiver ran up my spine at the thought.

Harry's remark brought me back to the conversation.

"So how do we this? We still need the support of the council to be able to go to war. And once we do that, we can't just barge in on the werewolf operation. They'll have the place heavily guarded. They'll see us coming from a mile away," he voiced his concerns. Then he added, "It'll be a massacre against our army".

Zayn didn't hesitate to respond. "We're going to use the traitor," I realized he meant Liam, "He'll get us inside or close enough, without too many casualties".

Louis perked up at that part and studied Zayn as he spoke up. "You're willing to trust him not to lead us into a trap?"

Zayn shrugged. "I'm willing to trust that he's smart enough not to betray me again".

"I've got a smart brother, don't I?" Lucian said with a mocking smile.

At his wording choice, I froze on my spot

Did he just say...?

No one said anything. The silence lasted one, two, three seconds. Then Zayn turned to me.

"Skye, I forgot to mention.... Lucian is my half brother".

His voice was so unconcerned and nonchalant. I hated it. I hated the way he was behaving since he got back. This wasn't the Zayn I knew. And to tell me something this big like it was nothing? He knew how important family was to me and he couldn't tell me about his? I was angry. I was addressing him with just as much coldness before I knew that I was doing it.

"Zayn, can we speak in private for a moment?"


A/N: So I was celebrating my mom's birthday this weekend which is why I wasn't able to update. But here it is, only a day later :)

I think Zayn is going to hear it from Skye... what do you guys think?

Stay awesome my earth family. Love ya to the moon and back <3


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