Chapter 32: The Calm & The Storm.

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Dedicated to @Kissess4ucutie


Chapter 32: The Calm & The Storm.

Skye's POV

I don't know how long we were all standing there. Minutes or maybe hours, God only knows. We were waiting for something, anything to happen. We were ready for the fight, or at least everyone else was. I, on the other hand, was terrified of whatever was to come. But I kept replaying Frederick's words in my mind over and over again. He was right, of course, my fear of dying was a lot more overwhelming than my fear of my magic. At the end, if I died, I would die fighting.

Everyone was quiet and the silence carried out to the forest. There was no breeze to blow the trees' leaves. There was not a single sound to be heard. It was like the forest itself was waiting for the upcoming battle.

It was the calm before the storm.

I didn't hear it at first, because my hearing wasn't as sensitive as everyone else's, but the restlessness in each of the guys that came out of nowhere, was what told me that something was coming and that they could hear it.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that I heard it too. It sounded like the stomping of a huge animal herd followed by loud and savage growls. They were all coming from the forest.

"I thought you doubled security," I said to no one in particular, but referring myself to Zayn.

"I did," was all he said.


Well, I was no genius, but the fact that they made it through Zayn's supernatural security meant that there is a lot of them and his security couldn't keep them out. Not very encouraging, if I can be completely honest.

The louder the noises became, the tighter our group became as well. They had formed a sort of supernatural human shield around me. I was sort of behind Zayn, Liam and Louis, beside Harry and Niall and in front of Frederick.

"Are you ready?" this was Harry, on my left, talking. I gave him a slight nod, because I didn't trust my voice not to shake and give away that I wasn't ready at all. It's not like I had a choice. I had to fight. What's the point of having all this power if I'm gonna let other people fight for me? The least I can do is fight alongside them.

"Guys, here they come," Frederick's voice was full of barely contained excitement. I guess some people do love to fight. I shook my head at the thought and in that same moment, the first werewolf broke through the line of trees, running directly towards us.

Louis was the first one to charge forward. From my spot in the middle I saw his claws growing in size. I didn't have to see his face to know that his canines were out too. I was probably more preoccupied at the thought of him turning completely into a wolf. I still wasn't sure how that worked. Does he know who he is when he's turned? Does he have control over the beast? Or does it control him?

All thoughts flew from my mind when he crashed head on into the enemy werewolf. This one owned a dark grey fur coat. And in his werewolf form was a good 5 inches taller than Louis. But it didn't matter. Louis, still half human, seemed to be stronger. He was holding his own against the creature. Perks of being an alpha, I assumed.

Next thing I know, another werewolf comes out from the forest. This one was slightly smaller, with a white fur coat. Liam jumped forward and attacked the beast. Cautious, the werewolf took a few steps back, and this gave Liam time enough to start transforming. Once the bone reconstructing part began, I looked away. That was something I would never get accustomed to watch.

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