Chapter 25: Mission.

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Dedicated to @TalishaMohammed


Chapter 25: Mission.

Zayn's POV

It took forever, but I managed to convince Skye to get some rest. The events of the night had left everyone on edge and worn-out. After we called up for more security and checked that there wasn't any more intruders in the mansion, I showed her back to her room. I held her for a few seconds before leaving. It was more for my sake than hers. While I was fighting the werewolf I encountered in the living room, I had been worried that by the time I got back to her she would be dead. The sole idea that she almost got killed under my watch, under my own roof, stopped my blood cold in my veins. I don't even know what I would've done. I really hope I never have to find out.

After I left her, I found the nearest bathroom to wash the blood off my hands and face. My clothes were ruined, these would go straight to the trash. But as the water cleansed away the life force of whoever I killed tonight, I watched my own reflection in the mirror. All I saw was my face, staring back at me. But my eyes, even though they looked normal, didn't feel like they were to me.

The monster is so close to the surface nowadays. Well, since I met Skye. Is like he had been dormant for a long time, just biding its time, but as soon as she came in the picture... well, let's say it's very much awake now and ready to take control. It's done waiting and it wants blood.

As I washed the remains of blood from my face as well, I realized the he was already getting what he wanted.


When I walked back into the library, I came upon the fact that my friends had cleaned up the mess left from the previous fight. The body was gone and the broken desk had been taken away. I closed the double doors behind me and turned to face Frederick, Harry, Louis and Niall. That's when something occurred to me.

"Where is Liam?" I spoke my thoughts out loud.

Each men turned to look at whoever was next to them, only to come to the conclusion that he was not here. 

"Has anybody seen him?" I asked, my patience running out quickly. 

"He wasn't with us when we were trying to save Skye. I assumed he was with you," this was Louis speaking. Even though his tone sounded bored, the alertness in his eyes told me he was worried about his right hand wolf. Liam would never just disappear when anyone needed him. It was unlike him.

I was about to announce a search party when he burst through the doors. He was shirtless and there were scratch slashes in his pants. His skin was covered in dirt.

"What the hell happened to you?" this was Frederick. When I looked at him he was frowning.

"I was coming downstairs to help you guys after I heard all the commotion when a werewolf came out of nowhere and knocked me on the head. I blacked out. It was dragging me out through the woods when I started coming back to my senses. I fought him, but as soon as he started losing, he ran off. I wasn't able to catch up to him. I'm sorry". The last bit was an apology for his alpha. Louis said nothing.

"Why was he trying to take you? I thought they were just after Skye," Niall inquired. 

Liam shrugged, "How am I supposed to know what the enemies are planning?"

We all stayed silent at that and then it hit me.

"That's the problem. We don't know what they're planning. It seems like we're just waiting for them to keep coming at us. Well, guess what? I've had enough. Skye was almost killed tonight. I'm not going to let that happen again. Louis, contact your third in command, I've got a mission for her".


A/N: I'm sorry, that's all I can write today. My mom just called me. My dad's result came out fine but they still don't know what's wrong with him so he has to stay the night. I have to make dinner and other stuff so yeah. Thank you for understanding what I wrote on the previous author's note. I appreciate all of you support. I promise the next update will be great . I'll probably update again this week in a day or two to make up for this short chapter<3

On another note, some of you have suggested ship names for Skye and Zayn but I don't know which one to choose so I'm gonna put it up for a vote okay? Here are the options:

@Directioner_Xitlally suggested #ZKYE

@1DdaBaes suggested #SKAYN

and @GemmaStar suggested #ZYE

so yeah, to vote just comment with the hashtag and the ship name you like more. I'll announce next chapter which one won :)

That's it for now.... oh no wait, today I got the acceptance letter from the University I wanted to transfer too!! I'm officially an English in Creative Writing Bachelor's major :D

Okay now I'm done. I love you guys,

Stay Awesome

Liz xx

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