Chapter 8: Details.

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Dedicated to @GemmaStar


Chapter 8: Details.

Zayn's POV

The ride to the manor was unusually quiet. I would have guessed that as soon as I turned on the car I would be bombarded with questions by Skye. That was not the case. Instead she sat on the passenger's seat in silence, almost in a thoughtful manner. It wasn't until I was a few minutes away from the mansion that I broke her out of her thoughts.

"Are you alright?"

It was not the question that I originally planned to ask but it is what escaped my lips without any warning. I was surprised at her response.

"How did my life change so much in a twenty-four hour time frame? I feel like, last night my biggest preoccupation was the short length of my clubbing apparel and a really terrible headache... and now there's all this crazy supernatural stuff. How did I get here to this moment?" she sounded so genuinely troubled that I struggled with a reply. There wasn't much I could say to comfort her. All I had was the truth, and I didn't know how much of it she would be able to handle before she ran the other way. I was still going to give it my best try. I ignored her rhetorical question and went right ahead with my own point.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions about everything that's going on, about tonight's meeting and-" I was cut off by Skye's words.

"About you. I am mostly curious about you. But I have a feeling that I shouldn't even bother asking you again what you are because you will not tell me. I'm starting to worry about that, because if you let Liam show me what he is, why can't I know about you? The only logical explanation is that you are something either more dangerous or scarier than he is, and I'm having trouble grasping that idea because Liam is a freaking werewolf, how can you be something worse? Please feel free to stop my deductions and tell me I'm wrong," she said the whole thing on a single breath, and she gasped for air when she was done. I said nothing, just gripped the steering-wheel tighter, until my knuckles turned white from the force.

"So I'm not wrong..." it was a statement, not a question, so again, I said nothing.

I heard a soft sigh escape her lips. "Alright, tell me whatever it is that you wanted to tell me. I'll keep my questions about you on hold for the time being," she sounded defeated. I closed my eyes momentarily and took a deep breath before starting.

"Alright. I'm going home because I have to get some things before the meeting. I brought you with me so I could fill you in on what exactly it is that you will be attending and how it all works," she stayed quiet and I took that as a sign that I could continue.

"The supernatural society though composed purely of mythical creatures, still follows humans way of ruling in a way. We have a structured government, a council in every state, a head leader in every country. The council is composed of ten members, the most powerful of each race or specie in the state. The council will meet today, for various reasons, but mostly to figure out what will be done about you," that caught Skye's attention.

"What do mean by figuring out what to do with me?" her voice rose an octave at the last word. She was ready to panic.

"It's nothing to worry about. You're about to enter our small community. Our world. Someone needs to be in charge of helping you understand everything," I explained.

"You mean, what you're already doing?" Skye asked. I smiled.

"Yeah... because, well, I'm not really supposed to be telling you any of this without consulting the council first. I'm breaking one of our laws as we speak," I let that thought hanging. Skye was quiet for only a second.

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