CHAPTER 15 Irina

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Irina and her parents moved around a lot when she was growing up

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Irina and her parents moved around a lot when she was growing up. 

She was an only child. 

She and her parents were Russian. 

Her parents had slightly lighter hair than her dark hair, in fact, Irina barely even resembled her parents. 

Her parents had hazelish green eyes while Irina had darker brown eyes.

When Irina was about 5 years old, her parents taught her a game. 

Her parents told her to pretend they were at a market and then they would show her how to swipe things from peoples' pockets. 

Her Dad stood behind a table pretending to sell food and her Mom went up to the table pretending to buy food. 

Irina's Mom told Irina to do what she taught her and practiced with her. Irina walked up behind her Mom and bumped into her.

Irina apologized in English and walked away. 

Irina then showed her Mom the money that she pickpocketed from her and asked if she did good. 

Her Mom told Irina that she did very good and that she didn't even feel when she took it. 

Her Mom patted Irina on the head and Irina handed back the money to her Mom and asked her Dad if she did good. 

Her Dad told her that she might be ready to do it in public. 

Irina's parents also encouraged her to speak in different accents. 

Irina would get so good at accents that she could pretend to be from anywhere around the city.

So Irina and her parents moved around picking peoples pockets, running scams, and conning people out of their money and supplies. 

They never stayed in one place for long because people and the Police were always after them.

ONE TIME, they had to drop everything and leave in the middle of the night when they saw some men from the Police looking around their neighborhood. 

They went South to a ship. 

It was at night when they arrived at the ship and walked across the deck. 

They went downstairs deep down into the ship. 

They walked down a long hallway and stopped at the door of a cabin room. 

They knocked on the door and a small rectangular latch slid open, revealing a Man's eyes looking at them.

The Man asked them what they wanted and they told him that they needed a place to stay for a while and that they would pay him. 

The Man looked at the money in Irina's Dad's hand and opened the door. 

After the Vendor let them inside his small cabin, Irina noticed that the Vendor had a wooden leg. 

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