CHAPTER 8 Life In Technicolor (Full Version) - Coldplay

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Yumi led Alex and Judith down the hallway into the secret room

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Yumi led Alex and Judith down the hallway into the secret room.

She went to the secret door behind the wall and typed in the numbers to unlock the door.

She opened the door and they went inside the room where Rob and Yumi's family were.

Rob went over to them all and said—

—"Good to see you guys."

Rob met Judith for the first time and said—


"Hello." said Judith.

Alex said—

—"Judith, this is Rob. Rob, this is Judith."

Rob said—

—"So, Alex told me that you're my sister."

"Yeah, I guess so." said Judith.

"Well, it's good to meet you." said Rob.

Rob gestured over to Nina and his kids and said to Judith—

—"Would you like to meet your niece and nephew?"

Judith looked over at Rob's kids and was surprised that she was an Aunt and smiled.

Rob brought Judith and introduced her to his family.

LATER, Alex, Yumi and Judith went under water and swam toward the cave.

They surfaced inside the cavern and saw the submarine.

They took off their scuba gear and walked toward the submarine.

They went inside the submarine and walked through it toward the Captain's deck.

They saw Ana and Amaia in the piloting room and went over to them.

Ana and Amaia looked over at them surprised.

"So, what'd we miss?" asked Alex.

Ana and Yumi ran over and hugged Alex and Judith.

Then Ana said to Alex—

—"Well, we got the radio working."

"And how long do you think it'll take to pilot this thing?"

"Maybe a week, maybe less."

"Come with me back to the room." said Alex.

"Why?" asked Ana.

"To get everyone up to speed on what we are going to do next."

Then they all started walking back out of the submarine and headed back toward the secret room.

When they returned to the secret room, everyone gathered around in the room and Alex began to explain what they were going to do.

Alex explained to everyone about the Government's plan to set off all of the nukes that they have.

And then he told them that their only two options were to find the detonator to the nukes and try to stop them, or, hide in the sub and pray that the underwater cave will protect them from the blast, which in all likelihood would not protect them.

Then Alex told them about Irina and the resources that she had that could help them.

After Alex had explained everything to them, he asked them if they had any questions.

They asked him how they were going to find the nukes and stop them from setting them off.

Alex answered them saying that he didn't know, but was confident that they would be able to locate them.

The question was how they were going to stop them from being set off and what they planned to do if they succeeded.

Alex told them that they wouldn't be able to do anything until they had figured out how to pilot the submarine anyway.

MEANWHILE, in a remote cabin room on the outskirts of the city, Clare was kneeling in a room holding a Rosary and was praying with candles.

Then the front door opened and Waters walked inside carrying grocery bags.

He put away the grocery items in cabinets and waited for Clare to finish her prayer.

Clare finished her prayer and turned to face Waters.

Waters said—

—"What task do you have for me my lady? Should I go and assist your son's family?"

"No. They'll be fine. The ones in need of your help now are Mason and his family. Go and inform him of what's to come."

"Why him?"

"Because he has a part yet to play in all this."

"What part will I play in all this?"

"When the time comes, you will know. God will put you where you need to be."

"What about you my lady?"

"I'm right where I need to be."

Waters nodded and walked out the door.


As he walked into the Police station, he was immediately informed of Alex, Ana and Amaia's escape and of Judith's escape as well.

The Leader was speaking to Mason on the radio and ordered him to find Judith and bring her back.

Then Mason went into his office and turned on his computer.

He saw a message on the computer that was from Waters.

The first line of the message said—

—'Your family is not safe. The Leader is lying to you.'

Mason looked at the message surprised and opened it and began to read all of it.

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