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The moon was glowing in the background.

The submarine had arrived several meters away from the island.

The sub's periscope rose up out of the water and moved from left to right looking at the island.

The periscope looked from left to right.

There were ships docked on the island and there was a lighthouse nearby.

There was a warehouse type building with an armed guard sitting asleep in a chair near the beach.

The periscope lowered underwater and back into the sub.

After Alex, Ana and Amaia finished looking through the periscope, they saw everyone waiting to hear them say what they saw through the periscope.

Alex said—

—"There's a warehouse building, I think that's where they might be keeping Maja's brother."

Then Ana said—

—"Maja believes and I agree with her, that her brother was kidnapped to work on the island and they killed another boy who resembled him to make them think that he was dead, to keep people from knowing about the island. I think that's why they killed Leo and the others."

"Why'd they keep Yumi alive?" asked Lauren.

Ana said—

—"I don't know. Maybe they thought she was dead, but when they found out she wasn't, they decided to keep her alive to take her blood. Maybe she has a very rare blood type."

Mason walked up toward the periscope and said—

—"May I take a look?"

Mason looked through the periscope.

Then Mason finished looking through the periscope and said—

—"All right, you guys stay here, I'll take care of the guard and let you know when it's safe to come over."

Mason said to Rob—

—"I could use your help."

Then Mason and Rob started to get ready.

They climbed up out of the sub and started swimming toward the island.

They arrived at the island and took their first steps on land.

Rob grabbed a handful of sand and felt it in his fingers.

Then Mason and Rob started going toward the warehouse.

They went up to the sleeping armed guard and quickly subdued him.

They tied him up and blindfolded him and gagged him.

Then Mason used a flashlight to signal to the sub that it was safe to go to the island.

After the submarine arrived at the island, everyone got off the sub and stepped onto the island for the first time.

They walked barefoot on the sand.

All of them had to take a second to take it all in.

Then they went toward the front door of the warehouse and opened it.

It was very dark inside and Maja called out to her brother in Swedish—

—"Kristofer are you here? It's Maja."

"Maja?" said Someone in the warehouse.

Maja looked in the direction of the voice and then she saw Kristofer quickly walking over to her.

Maja saw that Kristofer was taller than her.

He was 6 years old when Maja last saw him and now he was 20 years old.

Maja couldn't believe he was there and they hugged each other tightly.

Everyone else walked into the warehouse in the dark and Mason felt around the wall for a light switch.

Mason found the light switch and flicked it on lighting up the whole warehouse.

Everyone blinked their eyes in reaction to the light.

Then as everyone's eyes adjusted, they saw 3 young men in the room.

Alex, Ana, Yumi, Lauren, Judith, Amaia, Mason, and Rob looked at the 3 young men and were shocked when they heard some of the young men saying—

—"Alex!?"   "Ana!?"   "Yumi!?"   "Lauren!?"

Alex, Ana, Yumi, and Lauren looked around and saw 3 young men running toward them.

The 3 young men were Eli, Ennio, and Leo.

Alex, Ana and Yumi saw Leo and were in shock.

Lauren saw Eli running toward her and was shocked.

Rob saw Ennio running over and was shocked.

Alex, Ana and Yumi ran up to Leo and hugged him.

They felt him to make sure that he was real and alive.

Lauren and Eli hugged each other.

None of them could believe that it was real, that they were alive, but they were.

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