CHAPTER 15 Finalization

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THE NEXT MORNING, Amaia woke up in her cell and the guards came into the room. 

The guards opened her cell and took her out. 

Then the guards tied her hands behind her back and started taking her up toward the deck of the ship. 

Amaia went up the steps with the guards onto the deck.

Amaia saw the Captain standing with the guards who were holding Ana, Yumi and May. 

Amaia saw that Ana, Yumi and May had their hands tied behind their backs, their mouths were gagged and their eyes were blindfolded.

They were all standing close to the buildings so everyone in their rooms could watch from the windows. 

Alex, Eli, Lauren, Daniel and the rest of the workmates watched from their windows.

The guards brought Amaia over and lined her up next to Ana, Yumi and May. 

Amaia watched the Captain walk over to them. 

The Captain went up to them and looked at all of them.

Then the Captain looked at the guards and said—

—"You can go bring the kid now, so we can give him his reward." 

Amaia did not understand what the Captain was talking about as she watched the guards go into the boys' building. 

Then when the guards returned with the 'Kid', Amaia was stunned to see that the guards had brought Daniel.

The Captain greeted Daniel and said—

—"Congratulations Daniel. With your assistance we were able to capture the culprits."

"WHAT?!!?" yelled Amaia unable to comprehend how Daniel was the one that turned them in.

The Captain looked over at Amaia and said—

—"What's the matter? Are you upset that he got rewarded for doing what you failed to do? Well, he was the only one of you three to give us the information. He overheard this one (pointing to May) and her brother (Eli) talking about this one's (pointing to Ana) plan to access the computer. He gave us the exact date and time that they would do it. And he was the first one to tell us, so he's the only one who will be rewarded with a ticket off of this ship."

Amaia was stunned that Daniel had been the one that screwed up her plans and that it wasn't Irina as she thought it was. 

Then Amaia watched the guards taking Daniel off the ship and onto the docks. 

Amaia watched Daniel start walking away from the docks and heading back toward his home.

Then the Captain went up to Ana, Yumi, May and Amaia and looked at all of them.

Then the Captain looked at the guards and said to them—

—"Bring me her brother." 

Amaia saw two of the guards stop holding onto Ana and May and then Amaia looked at the Captain.

The Captain saw Amaia looking at him and told Amaia—

—"Don't worry, once I'm finished with these three, (Ana, Yumi, May), I'll deal with you."

Amaia watched the guards start going toward the boys' building and after awhile, she saw them walking back with a guy. 

As they got closer, Amaia noticed that the guy was Eli and that he was blindfolded, gagged and had his hands tied behind his back. 

The Guard who brought Eli over said to the Captain—

—"Sir, they've been using this (wire hanger) to open the door to their rooms and they've been using this key to unlock the padlock chain on the building doors. The kid said they got the key from Victor, who made a copy of it."

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