Chapter One

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I walked onto set, nervous as hell. My first big break. I was just a waitress from the city, I never thought my dreams would come true.

"Y/N! I'm so glad you're here!" My boss, Krista, came up and hugged me.
"Krista, thank you so much for this opportunity. I'm so grateful for you."
"Girl, you earned this spot. Your audition was amazing. Come on, let me introduce you to everyone. We're about to start the table read."

Krista led me to another room, where everyone was sitting at tables shaped to a U.
"Everyone! This is Y/N! She's the new cast member I was telling you about. Y/N, your seat is next to Stefania. Right there. Everyone, I want you to tell Y/N your name, and who you play. We'll go around in a circle."

I sat next to the woman that I had been looking forward to meeting. My heart basically jumped out of my chest when Stefania turned and smiled at me and I recognized her from the show. I had been watching Grey's and Station 19 for years. It was no secret that Carina was my favorite.
"Hi. I'm Stefania Spampinato, and I play Doctor Carina DeLuca."

Everyone went on and said who they were, and who they played. And I tried to pay attention, I really did. But I couldn't stop sneaking looks at the Italian beauty next to me.
"Okay! Let's start our read. Stefania, will you show Y/N around afterwards?"

An hour later

"You have a real talent Y/N." Danielle said as her, Stefania and I walked out of set.
"Thank you. You both are seriously crazy talented."
"Grazie bella. Danielle, we'll meet you for lunch. I'm going to show Y/N around."
Danielle waved and walked off.

"Hey, can you show me to the front real quick? My husband is supposed to be dropping off my daughter. He's gotta go to work."
"Of course." I could've sworn I saw a look of disappointment flash over her face for a second.

"So, how old is your daughter?" Stefania asked as we walked to the front.
"She just turned eight. She's my little fire cracker." I laughed.
"Mom!" I heard my daughter shout as she ran over to me.
"Hi baby! Did you have fun with Dad?" I asked as I twirled her around.
"Yes! We went to McDonalds for lunch!" She exclaimed.
"Hey babe. I gotta go to work." My husband walked up to me and pressed a kiss to my lips.
"Oh Tyler, this is Stefania. One of my co stars. Stefania, this is my husband Tyler, and our daughter Aurora."
"Nice to meet you. I probably won't be home till late. Don't wait up." He turned and walked away as I internally rolled my eyes.

"Hi miss Aurora. I'm Stefania." Stefania leaned down to get at an equal height with my daughter.
"Hi! My Mom calls me Rory."
"Your Mamma picked out a very good name for you. Y/N, do you want to continue the tour?"
"Of course. Rory, we're gonna go on a little adventure, okay?"

Rory nodded and grabbed my hand as we started our walk.

A little bit later, Stefania had showed me everything there was to see.
"Would you like to grab lunch with me and the rest of the cast? It'll be a nice opportunity for you to meet everyone." Stefania asked.
"I don't know..." I trailed off.
"Come on. Please?" Stefania asked.
"Ah... sure. Rory, do you wanna go get lunch with some of my co workers?"
"Sure." Rory shrugged.

We walked over to the lunch room, and Stefania led us over to a table where everyone was sitting.
"Ah, Y/N! I'm so glad you could join us." Danielle smiled at me.
"And who's this? She continued.

"This is my daughter Rory. Rory, can you say hi to everyone?"
Rory waved, and went back to texting on her phone.
"Aurora. Get off your phone." I whispered to my daughter.
She rolled her eyes and tucked her phone in the pocket of her jeans.
"Bambina, do you want to go pick out a snack while your Mamma gets her lunch?" Stefania asked.
"You don't have to-"
"Bella, I don't mind at all. Go get your lunch. I'll stick with the bambina for a moment."

I watched as Stefania and Rory walked over to the fruit table talking about something, my heart almost jumped out of my chest for the second time today.
What the hell is wrong with you. You're freaking married. Don't even think those thoughts.

"So, Y/N. Where did you work before this?" Jay asked.
"Oh um-"
"My Mom is the best waitress ever. She can run circles around everyone in the restaurant." Rory said proudly.
"Wait, you can act like you can, and you've never worked in the business before?" Jaina asked.
"Ah... no. I've been a waitress for the past six years. It's always been my dream to become an actress, I just never had the time." I rubbed my neck awkwardly.
"Dude, you're crazy talented! We all saw your audition. I would've bet money that you have had years of experience." Grey told me.
"Thank you guys. I really appreciate this ego boost." I laughed as I handed Rory my pickle from my sandwich.

"So, Miss Rory. How old are you?" Jaina asked.
"I'm eight. My full name is Aurora Elizabeth
Y/L/N." Rory said while happily eating her pickle.
"What grade are you in?"
"I'm in fourth grade. But my Mom teaches me a lot. She's been teaching me Spanish, Italian, and sign language since I was a baby."
"Really? You know Italian?" Stefania asked with an eyebrow raise.
"We're learning together. I've been trying to learn for the past few years, I've always wanted to go to Italy. I've just never had the extra time or money." I shrugged with a blush.
"That's very impressive bella." Stefania smiled at me.

My phone rang and I looked down and saw it was Tyler.
"Excuse me, I'll be right back." I got up and walked away.

"Hey babe. I gotta go out of town for a few days for work."
"Seriously? What am I supposed to do about Rory?" I sighed.
"I don't know. Figure it out I guess."
"Tyler, I just started this job. I can't just 'figure it out'. This job is important to me."
"Well you're her Mom. It's your job to figure this shit out. Look, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." He hung up the phone and I sighed.

I walked back to the table and plastered a smile on my face.
"Are you okay?" Stefania whispered to me as Rory was distracted by Danielle.
"Oh yeah. I'm great." I gave her a smile, but she gave me a look that told me she didn't believe me.
"Hey Rory, you ready to go home?" I asked.
"No I wanna stay here." She pouted.
"Honey, you can see Stefania another time. We need to go home." I quietly explained.
"But Mom." Rory rolled her eyes.
"Hey bambina! Why don't I bring you and your Mamma and Dad dinner tonight?" Stefania suggested.

"You don't have to do that." I quickly told her.
"I want to. Besides, it'll give me something to look forward to. To seeing the bambina I mean."
"If you would like to come over, I'll cook. Tyler is going to be away for work for a few days." I got up and grabbed my bag.
"Give me your phone, I'll put my number in." Stefania held out her hand and I quietly gave it to her.

"Alright bambina. You be good for your Mamma, okay?"
"I'll try." Rory laughed as I took her hand.
"I'll text you as soon as we in the car. Bye guys! It was nice meeting everyone. We'll see you tomorrow."

Everyone shouted their goodbyes as Rory and I walked off.

"Yes baby?"
"Are you and Dad fighting again?" She asked as we walked up to the car. My heart broke at the thought of my daughter hearing us fight.
"No baby. We're good." I said as I unlocked the door.
"You wanna listen to your favorite music?" I asked.
"Yes! Taylor Swift!" She danced happily as she got in.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag, and sent Stefania a quick text of my address. I smiled when I noticed she had saved her number as 'Bambina 💛'.

I got in my car, and started our drive home.

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