Chapter Fifty-Two

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"Good morning beautiful." I heard Y/N whisper in my ear before she started peppering light kisses on my neck.
"Mmm buon giorno bambina." I breathed out.

She kissed her way down my body, moving to where I need her most.
"Bella, quit teasing. We don't have much ti-"
"Good morning friends!" The door burst open as Jaina walked inside.
"Jaina! Get the hell out!" I exclaimed as I pulled the cover over my bare chest.
"Oh shit- my bad! I'm going! I'm going!" Jaina covered her eyes and ran out of the room.
"Shut the door!" I called out.

She ran back with her hand covering her eyes and she slammed the door shut.

"Oh my God!" I fell back against the pillow and covered my face.
"Well, there goes our morning." Y/N laughed as she came up from underneath the covers.
"Jaina owes us a baby sitting night for being a crotch block." I groaned as I got out of the bed.

We got dressed and walked out of the bedroom, I scowled at Jaina who was sitting at our kitchen table with her head down.
"I'm sorry." She muttered.
"You owe me." I said as I poured a cup of coffee.
"I'll take the kids to school for you guys?" She offered.
"And watch them for a few hours afterwards so I can get in what you made me miss this morning?" I asked.

"Mamma. I don't feel good." Luna mumbled as she walked into the kitchen.
"Oh bambina, what's wrong?" I walked over to her and felt her forehead.
"My stomach hurts."
"Do you wanna take something for it?" Y/N asked as she rubbed her back.
"I took some Tylenol around five. Can I stay home today?"

"Ah..." I looked at Y/N.
"I mean... she's never sick. One day wouldn't hurt." She put her arm over Luna's shoulders.
"Okay, but we're moving into the house today. I'll have your uncles help move your bed first and then you can sleep while we do everything else. Okay bella?"
"Okay Mamma." She nodded slowly and walked off to her bedroom.

"Something isn't right." I said as her door shut.
"What do you mean?"
"She loves school. She'd go to school even if she was sick. Something is wrong."
"We'll talk to her later, okay babe? I'm gonna go get the kids ready for school and daycare." She stood on her tiptoes and gave me a kiss and walked off.

"What do you think it is?" Jaina asked.
"I don't know. I just have this bad feeling in my ribs."
"In your gut."

I shot a glare to Jaina and she held up her hands, "Sorry. Sorry."

Twenty minuets later, Jaina had left with Rory and Xander, and we had gotten changed into real clothes.
"Let's go talk to our bambina before the guys get here."

Y/N nodded and I knocked on Luna's door, "Luna? Can we come in?"

We heard a muffled yes, and we walked in to Luna laying with her face buried in her pillow.
"Alright kid, spill. What's really bothering you?" Y/N asked as she sat down on the bed.
"I'm sick." She mumbled.
"Bella, even if you were sick you'd still fight to go to school. We love you, and we're worried about you."

Luna took a deep breath and looked up at us, her eyes filled with tears.
"The kids at school make fun of me."
"What are they saying baby?" Y/N asked.
"They call me mean names cause I'm in the foster system. T-They said that you're having another kid to replace me and that you're gonna send me back." Her bottom lip wobbled and a tear fell from her eyes.
"Oh bella. We would never send you back. We love you so, so much. You're our daughter, and we plan to make that legal." I pulled her close to me and rubbed her back as small sobs escaped her body.
"We'll have a talk with the school. Let them know what's going on." Y/N whispered to our baby.
"Mamma... they've been sending me text messages."
"Who? The kids from school?"
She nodded quietly and handed me her phone.

I opened the text messages app, and my eyebrows furrowed as I scrolled through the messages.

Kill yourself bitch.

How could they want you? Look at them and look at you. You're pathetic.

You're trash.

Nobody could ever want you. You're broken.

Die faggot.

I locked the phone and closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry you've been dealing with this bella. You know all those things aren't true. We love you very much. You're ours. We will fight for you every step of the way. Your Mom and I will talk to the school and we will get this handled, okay? I promise. You won't have to go back until we do." I kissed the top of her head, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
"Can I tell you guys something?" She whimpered.
"Anything Lu. You can tell us anything."

"I think I like girls..."
"I thought we already established that?" Y/N looked at me.
"I thought so too." I shrugged with a small smile.
"Wait, you two knew?" Luna asked.
"Honey, we're women who like women. We could tell. We didn't want to make any assumptions but, we knew."
"I love you guys." She wrapped her arms around the both of us.
"We love you Lu. And I promise, we will do everything we can to make this adoption process go faster. And if those kids message you again, just let us know okay?" Y/N kissed the top of her head.

We walked out of her bedroom and I rubbed my face.
"Those messages... God I just want to call those kids and tell them off." I growled.
"We need to call the school first and let them know what's going on." Y/N pulled out her phone and dialed the school's number.
"I'm going to do the talking because your temper isn't going to get us anywhere right now." She added.

I nodded as the doorbell rang, "I'll get it."

I walked to the front door and unlocked it, "Good morning guys." I stepped aside and let Oak, Grey, and Jay inside.
"Why the long faces?" Grey asked.
"I'll explain later." I whispered as Luna came out of her bedroom.
"There's my favorite Luna!" Oak shouted as she ran over and hugged him.
"I miss you Uncle Oak." She smiled.
"I miss you too kid." He ruffled her hair as Y/N walked into the living room.
"We have a meeting set up with the principal tomorrow morning." She whispered in my ear.
I nodded and grabbed her hand.

"Who's ready to get moving?" Jay clapped his hands and rubbed them together.

Four hours later, we had moved everything and got it all set up.
"Thank you all for helping, we couldn't have do it without you." I said as I wiped the sweat off my forehead.
"No problem. We help family." Grey put his arm around my shoulders.
"Danielle's calling!" Y/N exclaimed as she answered the FaceTime.

"Hey! How are you guys?" I asked as we all crowded around the phone.
"We're doing okay. Jamari was stable all night and day, and she's doing great considering." She turned the phone so we could all see our niece.
"Oh my God, hi bella." I breathed out.
"She's so tiny." Oak said.
"She's a fighter though."

"Hola! We're here!" Jaina called as she walked in with Rory and Xander.
"Hey guys! Come look at your cousin!"

Rory ran over and jumped in my lap, "She's tiny. Why is she tiny?"
"Because she was born early. She couldn't wait to meet her Moms." Y/N smiled and kissed the top of Rory's head.

"Did you tell them?" Jaina asked.
"Tell us what?" Barrett asked.

"We were gonna wait..." I trailed off.
"Secrets don't make friends. Spill." Grey laughed.
"Lu! Come in here baby." Y/N called.
"Yeah?" Luna walked in and sat down on the couch next to me.
"We have some news. We found out the genders."

"Fuck! I forgot we were supposed to do a gender reveal, we're sorry guys." Danielle groaned.
"Don't you worry about it, you focus on that beautiful bambina." I said.
"So? What are the genders?" Jay asked excitedly.

"We're having two boys." I smiled at my wife.

Everyone cheered and hugged each other.

"Oh my God! That's freaking awesome!" Danielle exclaimed.
"Do you have any names yet?" Luna asked as she leaned her head on my shoulder.
"Sì. Luca James Spampinato, and Liam Blake Spampinato."
"Luca and Liam. I like it." Rory nodded with a smile.
"Luna, Rory, Xander, Luca, and Liam. That's a lot of kids." Grey laughed.
"Yeah. But we wouldn't change our crazy family for anything."

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