Chapter Thirty

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"Sì. Yes. I'm at the store now getting the essentials. I can be at my house in an hour? Thank you so much." I hung up the phone as I swiped my card at the checkout line.
"Is this everything we need?" I turned and asked Y/N.

"Crib, diapers, wipes, clothes, different kinds of formula, bottles, pacifiers, lotion, shampoo and body wash, towels, pack and play... that should be it." Y/N smiled as we pushed the cart out of the store.
"Are you sure this is enough? Do we need baby food?"
"Stef, the baby is a week old. Babies only need formula at that age." She laughed as she helped load everything in the car.

Fuck. I have no idea what I'm doing.

At home

I nervously paced the living room, the social worker would be here any minute.
"Hey, you okay?"
"Sì bambina. Of course." I said as I continued to walk back and forth.

"You look like you're going to throw up." Y/N pointed out.
The doorbell rang, and I jumped slightly.
"They're here." My voice shook as we walked to the door.

I opened the door and was met by a social worker carrying a car seat.

"Hi, I'm Carrie Grant. Miss Spampinato?" She asked.
"Yes. You can call me Stefania. Please, come in." I moved to the side as she walked inside.
"This is my fiancé, Y/N."

"It's nice to meet you Miss Grant." She reached out and shook her hand.
"And this is Alexander." She moved the blanket out of the way and revealed the sleeping baby boy. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him. He was absolutely perfect.

"Why is this sweet little boy in the foster system?" Y/N asked.
"His parents passed away. They both overdosed." Carrie said as she sat down the car seat and Y/N took Alexander out.

"I just need you to sign this paper for me." She reached in her bag and pulled out a sheet for me.
I quickly read over it, and signed at the bottom.

"Is there anything we should know about him?" I asked.
"Honestly? I know as much as you do. We just got him today, and we couldn't find anyone willing to take a newborn. Thank you all for responding so quickly. He just ate a few hours ago, so he should be fine."

Carrie said goodbye and quickly left the house.

"Well... hello Alexander. It's very nice to meet you." I whispered to the sleeping baby.
"You want to try to hold him?" Y/N asked.
"Uh, yeah. How do I-"
"Hold your arms like this, and support his head." She said as she gently transferred him to my arms.
"Okay. Hi there bambino. I'm Stefania." I whispered as I held him close to my chest.

His face scrunched up and he whimpered before letting out an ear piercing scream.
"What did I do?" I panicked and looked at Y/N.

"Does it feel like he's wet?" She asked.
"I uh- how do I-"
"Here, come here little man." Y/N reached over and gently took him.

"Yeah, he has a wet diaper. Will you bring me the stuff to our room?" She asked as she walked away.

I quickly grabbed a diaper and a pack of wipes and followed her to the bedroom.

"Everything's okay little baby. We just gotta change your diaper real quick and then you'll feel so much better." Y/N cooed as she unbuttoned his onesie.

I handed her a diaper and watched as she changed him like a professional.

"How did you do that so quick?" I asked.
"Honey, I changed all of Rory's diapers. It's all muscle memory. I could change a diaper in my sleep." She chuckled.
"You wanna try to hold him again now that he's settled?" Y/N continued.
"Uh, sure." I reached down and gently picked him up, holding him close to my chest.

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